
Recovery and rehabilitation during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: framework for supporting people

This paper provides a strategic framework with overarching principles and high-level recommendations, which inform and shape the provision of rehabilitation and recovery services across Scotland for the coronavirus (COVID-19) period and post coronavirus (COVID-19).

Appendix 2 Consultation

The draft framework was shared with NHS, Integration Authorities, Local Government, National Advisory Committees, Independent and Third Sector organisations.

Organisations who informed consultation included:

Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership

Allied Health Professions Scotland

British Lung Foundation

City of Edinburgh Council

Community Leisure Scotland

East Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership

Fife Health and Social Care Partnership

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership

Health and Social Care Scotland

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Mental Health AHP Advisory Committee

Neurological Alliance of Scotland

NHS 24

NHS Ayrshire and Arran

NHS Borders

NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Fife

NHS Forth Valley

NHS Grampian

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

NHS Lanarkshire

NHS Lothian

NHS National Services Scotland

NHS Tayside

North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Public Health Scotland

Royal College of Occupational Therapists

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

Scottish Ambulance Service

Scottish Borders Health & Social Care Partnership

Scottish Care

Scottish Commission for Learning Disability

Scottish Recovery Network

Scottish Trauma Network

SOLACE Scotland

Stroke Association

Support in Mind Scotland

The British Dietetic Association

The College of Podiatry

Versus Arthritis

Vox Scotland



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