
Recovery and rehabilitation during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: framework for supporting people

This paper provides a strategic framework with overarching principles and high-level recommendations, which inform and shape the provision of rehabilitation and recovery services across Scotland for the coronavirus (COVID-19) period and post coronavirus (COVID-19).

3. Scope

This Framework is focused on adults 16 years and older. The specific needs of children and young people, and their families are being addressed separately within the Scottish Government. It is recommended that 3 distinct groups are considered as part of the development of the overarching principles to be produced in relation to recovery and rehabilitation.

a) The rehabilitation of people who have had coronavirus (COVID-19) and as a result may present

with symptoms such as: cardiovascular, pulmonary and musculoskeletal deconditioning, emotional, neurological and cognitive symptoms such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, post intensive care syndrome, fatigue and pain.

b) The rehabilitation of those people where emerging evidence points to a negative impact as a

consequence of the lockdown restrictions. This includes: people who have been ‘shielding’; those ‘not shielding but at risk; and also those with additional vulnerabilities and their carers; those with musculoskeletal issues due to deconditioning and a lack of physical activity; those with pre-existing and emergent mental health and wellbeing issues; potential exacerbation of specific conditions; such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and type 2 diabetes.

c) Ongoing and intensive prehabilitation and rehabilitation for people with long-term physical and mental health conditions, multiple comorbidities and those who have been impacted from delayed diagnoses and scheduled treatments due to pausing of non-critical health services.



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