
Franco-Scottish links in research, innovation and higher education

Overview of Franco-Scottish higher education and research partnerships including analysis and recommendations for furthering collaboration between France and Scotland.

Annex 3: Scottish Universities profiles

Student and staff members were obtained from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (2018-19). The rest of this information was gathered from HEI's websites.

Founded in 1888, gained University status in 1994. Academic staff: 200. Administrative staff: 250. Students: 4,355 (70 French and 680 non-UK). Schools: design and informatics; applied sciences; business, law and social sciences; graduate school. Could not find evidence of international partnership in teaching.

Research themes: creative industries (games, creative technologies, digital culture), security (cyber security, forensic psychology, forensic science, law), environment (life and environmental systems, sustainable technologies business governance and policy, food and nutrition), society (mental and physical health, learning and education, governance and social responsibility).

Could not find indications of formal research partnerships on the website. Several researchers are collaborating regularly with French colleagues, with the most prolific/interesting collaboration being:

  • Christopher Watkins: working with international partners including one from the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse on national income & kissing – he got an Ig-Nobel for it.
  • Ruth Falconer, working with international colleagues including a Professor at AgroParisTech on soil.
  • Corinne Jola ran projects with the Centre National de la Dance and Fabrique Autonome des Acteurs on neurosciences and performing arts.

Erasmus+ destinations in France: IDRAC Business School

Founded in 1964, gained University status in 1992. Academic staff: 640. Administrative staff: 780. Students: 13,595 (155 French and 2,850 non-UK). Schools: business, applied sciences, arts & creative industries, computing, engineering & the built environment, health & social care. Transnational Education partners: China, Honk Kong, Myanmar; Singapore; Sri Lanka, Switzerland.

Research themes: sustainable communities, information society, wellbeing.

Could not find indications of formal research partnerships on the website. Some featured collaborations include French partners, such as Christophe Thuemmler's work on Fi-Star, a €17m project on mobile and internet technology for healthcare funded by European commission, along with 43 European partners including a French company called Easy Global Market.

Erasmus+ destinations in France: Brest Business School, Université Catholique de Lyon, La Rochelle Tourisme School, IPAG Business School, ISIT Paris, Montpellier Business School, Université d'Aix Marseille, Université de Tours, Université de Haute-Alsace, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès.

Member of ISEP (International Student Exchange Programme), a non-profit organisation based in the US and making study abroad accessible to all. French members are: Aix-Marseille, INSA Lyon, IEP Rennes, Uni of Minnesota Montpellier, Le Havre Normandie, Paul-Valery, Savoie Mont-Blanc, Angers, Caen, Franche-Comté, Lille, Nantes, Picardie, Réunion.

Founded in 1875, gained university status in 1993. Academic staff: 710. Administrative staff: 685. Students: 16,860 (45 French and 2,105 non-UK). Schools: computing, engineering and built environment; Glasgow school for business and society; health and life sciences; GCU London. Affiliate: Glasgow Caledonian New York College. Transnational Education Partners: Algeria, Bangladesh, China, India, Malaysia, Mauritius, Oman, Singapore, South Africa, USA.

Research themes: inclusive societies, healthy lives, sustainable environments. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are at the heart of their research strategy.

Could not find indications of formal research partnerships on the website. Several researchers are collaborating regularly with French colleagues, and in particular in Grenoble. Most prolific/interesting collaboration are:

  • Slobodan Mickoviski: works on ground engineering with CIRAD, UNESCO & University of Grenoble
  • Kate McAulay: chemical science and gels with Institut Laue-Langevin

Erasmus+ destinations in France: Université Catholique de Lyon, ENI Tarbes, Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce et Management, ESCE International Business School, INSA Toulouse, Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Université Grenoble Alpes, IUT A Lille, KEDGE Business School, NEOMA Business School, Toulouse 1, Toulouse Business School.

Founded in 1845. Not a university, degrees and diplomas are awarded by the University of Glasgow. Academic staff: 170. Administrative staff: 280. Students: 2,285 (40 French and 805 non-UK). Schools: Mackintosh school of architecture; school of design; school of fine arts; innovation school. Affiliate campuses: Highlands and Islands, Singapore. Transnational education partners: France (Audencia Business School in Nantes – MSc in Management and Entrepreneurship in the Creative Economy), although this is no longer offered in 2021.

Research themes: architecture, urbanism & the public sphere; design innovation; digital visualisation; education in art, design & architecture; contemporary art & curating; health & wellbeing; material culture; sustainability.

Could not find indications of formal research partnerships on the website. Research contributions database not searchable by geography.

Erasmus+ destinations in France: Ecole Camondo, Ecole d'Architecture de Paris, EESAB, ENSA Versailles, ENSCI, Beaux-Arts de Paris, ERBAN, Paris College of Art.

Founded in 1821, gained university status in 1966. Academic staff: 785 (plus 200 on oversea campuses and 10,500 on international programmes). Administrative staff: 1,015 (plus 140 overseas). Students: 10,935 (plus over 5,000 overseas; 240 French and 3,160 non-UK). Schools: energy, geosciences, infrastructure and society; engineering and physical sciences; mathematical and computer sciences; social sciences incorporating Edinburgh Business School; textiles and design. Affiliate campuses: Scottish Borders, Orkney, Dubai, Malaysia, as well as strong online offering. Transnational Education Partners: Australia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; China; Egypt; Germany; Greece; Honk Kong; Ireland; Jamaica; Jordan; Maldives; Mauritius; Nigeria; Norway; Portugal; Russia; Singapore; Spain; Sri Lanka; Swaziland; Sweden; Switzerland; Trinidad & Tobago; Uganda; Ukraine; UK. France is not mentioned as one of the TNE partners but the international students' pages mentions long-standing partnerships with around 100 IUTs, engineering faculties (Bretagne-Sud, Le Mans, Grenoble) and Grandes Ecoles (SUPELEC, ESME-SUDRIA, ENSAM, POLYTECH Tours & Orleans).

Research themes: blue economy; health technology; quantum and ultra-fast photonics; smart construction; social disadvantage; the National Robotarium; zero-carbon futures; the Lyell Centre (earth and marine sciences).

Could not find indications of formal research partnerships on the website. Several researchers are collaborating regularly with French colleagues:

  • Yoann Altmann and Pr. Stephen McLaughlin: working on sensors and image processing with University of Toulouse (where Dr. Altmann did his studies) as well as Paris Saclay.
  • David Kevin Woolf: working with IFREMER on marine renewable energies and carbon cycles.
  • Gary Douglas Couples: geo-mechanical research, Université Grenoble Alpes.
  • Audrey Repetti: neural networks with Paris Est & Paris Saclay, did her studies in France.
  • Dorrik Stow: sedimentologist, working with University of Bordeaux & Montpellier.
  • Sebastian Geiger and Florian Doster: management of geo-resources, working with Total and Institut Français du Pétrole.
  • George Goussetis: microwaves and antenna engineering, working with Thales Alenia Space and European Space Agency.
  • Antonin Chapoy: chemical engineering, gas hydrates and hydrocarbons, working with PSL Research & Ecole des Mines (where he got his PhD).
  • Martin R.S. McCoustra: surface science, with Université Paris Est.
  • Gareth W. Peters: statistics and modelling, with ESC Rennes.

Erasmus + destinations in France: ENSCL Lille, Université de Lorraine, CPE Lyon, Université Paris-Saclay, Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée, Université Bourgogne Franche Comte, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, ISIT Paris, Université de Nantes, Université de Tours, Université de Haute-Alsace, Université Catholique De L'Ouest, Université de Bretagne Sud, Université de Strasbourg, ESSCA Angers, Sciences Po, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres, ENSAIT.

Founded and gained university status in 1969. Academic staff: 2,265. Administrative staff: 3,240. Students: 122,360 (across whole of UK; 15 French and 320 non-UK). Schools: faculty of arts and social sciences; the open university business school; open university law school; faculty of science, technology, engineering and mathematics; faculty of wellbeing, education and language studies; institute of educational technology; knowledge media institute. Affiliates: FutureLearn Limited (online courses with multiple partners across the world including in France the French Foundation for rare diseases; Grenoble Ecole de Management; Institut Français de la Mode); OU Worldwide Limited. Transnational Education Partners (website mentions up to 27 countries but not all listed): Arab Open University, Botswana, China, Ethiopia, Honk Kong, South Africa, Uganda. Affiliated research centres: Gambia; Italy, Kenya, Thailand, UK, USA, Vietnam

Research themes: citizenship and governance; technology enhanced learning; international development; health and wellbeing; space.

Research repository does not allow searches by geography.

Founded in 1875, gained university status in 2007. Academic staff: 220. Administrative staff: 200. Students: 5,225 (35 French and 1,115 non-UK). Schools: arts, social sciences and management (business school; media communications and performing arts; psychology, sociology and education); health sciences (dietetics, nutrition & biological sciences, physiotherapy, podiatry & radiography; nursing; occupational therapy and arts therapy; speech and hearing sciences; the institute for global health & development). Transnational Education Partners: Canada, Greece, Egypt, India, Nepal, Singapore, UK.

France is not mentioned within showcased international collaborations for Europe (countries listed: Tunisia, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, Norway, Austria, Slovenia, Latvia). Research repository not searchable by geography.

Erasmus + destinations in France: Ecole Supérieure de Commerce

Founded in 1750, gained university status in 1992. Academic staff: 515. Administrative staff: 670. Students: 12,335 (70 French and 2.025 non-UK). Schools: Aberdeen business school; applied social studies; computing; creative & cultural business; engineering; Gray's school or art; health sciences; law; nursing, midwifery & paramedic practice; pharmacy & life sciences; Scott Sutherland school of architecture & build environment. Affiliate: RGU Orkney. No known Transnational Education Partners.

Research repository is not searchable by geography.

Erasmus + destinations in France: Université d'Angers, Brest Business School, Université Clermont Auvergne, Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Clermont, Clermont Business School, ENSA Grenoble, ENSAP Lille, Université de Limoges, Université Catholique de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Kedge Business School, ESCE, ENSA Paris-La Villette, IFSI Paris, ESADSE, Toulouse Business School, Université Paul Sabatier.

Founded in 1947, gained degree-awarding powers in 1993. Academic staff: 120. Administrative staff: 165. Students: 1,280 (French 15 and 415 non-UK). Departments: Academic innovation; Research and Knowledge Exchange; school of dance, drama, production and film; school of music. No known affiliates or Transnational Education Partner.

Research repository is not searchable by geography.

Erasmus + destinations in France: CNSMD, CNSAD.

Founded in 2012 through merger of land-based colleges of Barony (1953), Elnwood (1972) and the Scottish Agricultural College (1899). Academic staff: 365. Administrative staff: 655. Students: 1,760 (French 5 and 80 non-UK). Campuses: Aberdeen, Ayr, Cupar; Barony in Dumfries & Galloway; Edinburgh and Oatridge in West Lothian. Subject areas: agriculture; animal care; business; professional cookery; animal sciences; biological sciences; conservation; engineering; environment; equine & horse care; forestry & arboriculture; garden design; golf; horticulture; landscaping; poultry; sustainability; rural & estate skills; agriculture and renewable technology; veterinary nursing. Affiliates: SAC Consulting (advisory services to rural and agricultural sector, 23 offices across Scotland); veterinary services. No Transnational Education Partner identified.

Research themes: animal & veterinary sciences (behaviour & welfare; breeding & genomics; biomarkers laboratory; diseases; integrative animal sciences; monogastric science; pig research centre); crop & soils systems (crop protection and applied practice; soil science & systems; visual evaluation of soil structure); future farming systems (beef & sheep research centre; carbon management centre; dairy research centre; epidemiology research unity; farm management research; hill & mountain research centre; smarter farming); rural economy, environment and society (behavioural change & innovation; food marketing; policy analysis; land use; sustainable ecosystems); rural policy centre.

France not mentioned within showcased international collaborations. Most papers with French contributors are with INRAE and its different departments. Dale Sandercock is one of the most prolific authors working with French partners on animal pain.

Erasmus + destinations in France: AgroSup Dijon, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, ENSA Toulouse

Founded in 1582, gained university status in 1582. Academic staff: 4,535. Administrative staff: 5,945. Students: 34,275 (250 French and 13,185 non-UK). Schools: college of arts, humanities & social sciences (business; divinity; economics; college of art; Moray House school of education and sport; health in social science; history, classics and archaeology; law; literatures, languages and culture; philosophy, psychology and language sciences; social and political sciences; centre for open learning); college of medicine & veterinary medicine (Edinburgh medical school; Royal (Dick) school of veterinary studies); college of science & engineering (biological sciences; chemistry; engineering; geosciences; informatics; mathematics; physics and astronomy). Subsidiaries: Edinburgh Innovations (innovation management service); Edinburgh University Press; Edinburgh Technology Fund Limited (investment activities); Honk Kong Centre for Carbon Innovation; Old College Capital (investment activities); UoE Accommodation Limited; UoE HPCx Limited (high-performance computing through ARCHER); UoE Estates Services Company Limited); FinTech Scotland (financial technology centre).

The University of Edinburgh has a Dedicated international development team and website, and a research institute focusing on Europe and the European Union.

Research repository is not searchable by geography.

Erasmus + destinations in France: ESCE, Sciences Po, HEAR, ESSEC, HEC, Kedge Business School, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres, Neoma Business School, ENSCL Lille, Université Grenoble Alpes, Université de Haute-Alsace, ENSAD.

Transnational Education Partners: Africa (Mastercard Foundation); China (Joint Institute with Zhejiang University; Low Carbon College in Shanghai) are the two showcased on the public website. In addition, UoE has over 270 agreements with other institutions, of which 210 are with foreign institutions including 40 with China, 24 with India and 22 with USA.

The University of Edinburgh is a member of several university networks that include French HEIs:

  • Una Europa, an alliance of 8 leading universities, along with Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Projects include joints degrees as well as research around the themes of cultural heritage; data science and artificial intelligence; European studies; one health; sustainability.
  • The Coimbra Group, an association of long established European multidisciplinary universities of high international standard launched in 1985 (French members: Université de Poitiers, Université Paul Valery Montpellier and Université de Montpellier).
  • LERU, the League of European Research Universities, alongside Sorbonne Université, Université Paris-Saclay and Université De Strasbourg.
  • UNICA, an institutional network of Universities from the capitals of Europe, with French partners Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres and Sorbonne Université.

Founded in 1495, gained university status in 1495. Academic staff: 1,165. Administrative staff: 1,425. Students: 14,775(French and non-UK). Schools: business school; divinity, history and philosophy; education; language, literature, music and visual culture; law; social science; biological sciences; medicine, medical sciences and nutrition; psychology; engineering; geosciences; natural and computing sciences; postgraduate research school. Affiliates and Transnational Education Partners: AFG College, with dedicated campus in construction (Qatar); Africa; Australia (alliance with Curtin university).

Research themes: energy transition; social inclusion & cultural diversity; environment and biodiversity; data and artificial intelligence; health, nutrition and wellbeing.

France is mentioned in one of the showcased research projects, HABIT, an instrument developed by the department of planetary science for mars missions. The team works with collaborators from Thales, the ESA Headquarters and CNRS. Other notable researchers collaborating with France:

  • Pete Smith: greenhouse gas/carbon modelling and mitigation, director of Scotland's Climate Change Centre of Expertise, working with colleagues at INRAE, CNRS, AgroParisTech.
  • Heather Wallace: biochemistry and pharmaceutical research in cancer therapy, toxicology evaluator for the European Commission, publishing with colleagues at INRAE and Université de Toulouse.

Erasmus + destinations in France: Université Grenoble Alpes, Brest Business School, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Université de Bordeaux, Sorbonne Université, Université de Rennes 1, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assis, Université De Picardie Jules Verne, Université Catholique De L'Ouest, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Université Rennes 2, Université de Haute-Alsace, Université de la Réunion, Sciences Po Lille, Sciences Po Lyon, Sciences Po Rennes, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université de Strasbourg, INSA Lyon.

University of Aberdeen is part of the Aurora universities network, launched in 2016, alongside Université Grenoble Alpes.

Founded in 1881, gained university status in 1967. Academic staff: 1,520. Administrative staff: 1,595. Students: 15,915 (70 French and 2,615 non-UK). Schools: Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design; business; dentistry; education and social work; health sciences; humanities; life sciences; medicine; science and engineering; social sciences. Affiliates: International College Dundee. Transnational Education partners: Australia, China, Norway, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Thailand, Italy, France (articulation agreements with University of Toulouse Capitole 1, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées).

France is mentioned in one of the showcased research streams: CERN partnership working on upgrading the Large Hadron Collider. Other notable researchers with many connections with France:

  • Chim Lang: cardiology and clinical pharmacology, with colleagues at Université de Lorraine and CHU de Nancy.
  • Sysan Willy: biological chemistry and drug discovery, with Université of Toulouse, Limoges, Aix-Marseille.

Erasmus+ destinations in France: ENSA Limoges, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Université Clermont Auvergne, Beaux Arts Nantes, ENSA Normandie, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Université Paris-Saclay, Cy Cergy Paris Université, Université Grenoble Alpes, EESAB, TALM, Sup'Biotech, Université Catholique De L'Ouest, ULCO, ENSAPV, Sciences Po Toulouse

Founded in 1451, gained university status in 1451. Academic staff: 3,235. Administrative staff: 3,105. Students: 30,805 (275 French and 9,685 non-UK). Schools: Adam Smith business school; dental school; chemistry; computing science; critical studies; culture & creative arts; education; James Watt school of engineering; geographical & earth sciences; humanities; interdisciplinary studies; law; life sciences; mathematics & statistics; medicine, dentistry & nursing; modern language & cultures; physics & astronomy; psychology; social & political sciences; veterinary medicine. Affiliates and Transnational partners Netherlands; Germany, Canada, USA, Australia; Malaysia, China. France is mentioned as an exchange destination (several universities & schools are listed), with a joint Master degree at Aix-Marseille under Erasmus.

Research themes: precision medicine & chronic diseases; cultural & creative economies; future life; one health; addressing inequalities; the nano & quantum world.

No highlighted research mentions French partners. Research repository is not searchable by geography.

Erasmus+ destinations in France: Audencia, Université de Strasbourg, ENSMA, Université de Toulouse, Université Catholique de Lille, SKEMA Business School, Université de Lille, CPE Lyon, Université Grenoble Alpes, ENSCL Lille, Sigma Clermont, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Université Lumière Lyon 2, ISIT Paris, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université de Caen Normandie, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Ecole du Louvre, IESA, Université d'Aix Marseille, Sciences Po Lyon, Sciences Po, Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Institut Polytechnique De Grenoble, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Université Paris-Saclay, ENSAI.

Offers a postgraduate research programme (PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MRes) in French within the school of modern languages and cultures. Leads on an Erasmus Mundus Master in South European studies with Aix-Marseille as well as partners in Spain, Greece and Italy.

The University of Glasgow is a founding member of The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities (French member: Université de Paris) and CIVIS, a European Civic University (with Université d'Aix-Marseille).

Founded in 1410, gained university status in 1413. Academic staff: 1,195. Administrative staff: 1,370. Students: 10,570 (95 French and 4,820 non-UK). Schools: faculty of arts (schools of art history; classics; economics and finance; English; history; international relations; management; modern languages; philosophical, anthropological and film studies; music centre); divinity (school of divinity); medicine (school of medicine); science (schools of biology; chemistry; computer science; earth and environment sciences; geography and sustainable development; mathematics and statistics; physics and astronomy; psychology and neuroscience). Affiliates: International Education Institute. Transnational partners: China, France (Université de Lorraine Nancy – MSc in Advanced Systems Dependability; Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille, Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris – International Master in Audio-visual and cinema studies), Germany, Italy, Ireland, Russia, USA.

Research repository is not searchable by geography.

Erasmus+ destinations in France: ENSCL Lille, Sciences Po, Sciences Po Strasbourg, Sorbonne Université, Université de Perpignan, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Ecole du Louvre, Université Paul Valery Montpellier

Offers a postgraduate research programme in French (MLitt or PhD) within the school of language, literature, film, and visual culture.

St Andrews is a member of the Europeaum, a network of 17 leading European Universities, along with Université Paris | Pantheon-Sorbonne.

There are two Collaborative Research Grants programme currently active, aimed at fostering international research, with Germany and USA. The university also funds Global Fellowships for scholars in established academic positions to visit (no French hosts in 2019-20).

Founded in 1967, gained university status in 1967. Academic staff: 715. Administrative staff: 865. Students: 12,500 (70 French and 2,830 non-UK). Schools: faculties of arts and humanities (communications, media and culture; history and politics; law and philosophy; literature and languages); health sciences and sport; natural sciences (aquaculture; biology and environmental sciences; computing science and mathematics; psychology); social sciences; Stirling management school. Affiliates: Innovation Park; university of Stirling Venues; INTO study centre. Transnational partners: Brazil, France (EM Strasbourg - integrated masters), Indonesia, Japan, Germany, Omam, Singapore, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam

Research themes: cultures, communities and society; global security and resilience; living well. Research programmes: ageing and dementia; being connected; cultural heritage; contextual learning in humans and machines; digital society and culture; environmental change; extremes in science and society; health and behaviour; global food security; home, housing and community; human security, conflict and cooperation; mobile cognition.

Research repository is not searchable by geography.

Notable researchers with link to France:

  • Christina Johnston: senior lecturer in French (completed PhD in French at University of Glasgow), contemporary cinema and social politics in France.
  • Fiona Barclay: senior lecturer in French (as above), working on postcolonial France and North African immigration

Erasmus+ destinations in France: ESSEC, Université de Limoges, Université de Lorraine, EM Normandie, Sciences Po, Université de Perpignan, EM Strasbourg, Université de Tours, Université Catholique De L'Ouest, Université Catholique de Lyon, Université Clermont Auvergne, Université d'Aix Marseille.

Founded in 1796, gained university status in 1964. 1,650. Administrative staff: 1,930. Students: 22,640 (115 French and 4,155 non-UK). Schools: faculties of engineering (architecture; biomedical; chemical & process; civil & environmental; design, manufacturing & engineering management; electronic & electrical; mechanical & aerospace; naval architecture, ocean & marine); science (computer & information sciences; mathematics & statistics; physics; pure & applied chemistry; institute of pharmacy and biomedical sciences); humanities and social sciences (centre for lifelong learning; education; government & public policy; humanities; law; psychological sciences & heath; social work & social policy); business school. Affiliates: International Study Centre (pathway programmes), MBA Centres in Bahrain, Greece, Malaysia, Oman, Singapore, Switzerland, UAE. Transnational partners: China, Egypt, France (Toulouse Business School – MSc business & management, global master's in industrial management), Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Malawi, Malaysia, Norway, Peru, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, United Arab Emirates, USA.

Strategic research themes: advanced manufacturing & materials; energy; health & wellbeing; innovation & entrepreneurship; measurement science & enabling technologies; ocean, air & space; society & policy.

No showcased research mentions French connections, but some scholars have regular collaboration with France:

  • Victorita Dolean Maini: mathematics algorithms, recipient of Prix Bull-Joseph Fourier (rewards R&D in computer simulation) in 2015 with colleagues from CNRS
  • Bernhard Hidding: physics, laser & plasma beams, worked with Paris Saclay & others.
  • Efren Guillo Sansano: electronic and electrical engineering with Grenoble
  • Atilla Incecik, naval engineering & offshore systems with Université Paris-Est

Erasmus+ destinations in France : ENSAP Lille, ENSA Paris-La Villette, ENSASE, Université de Lorraine, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Université Paul Sabatier, Université de Nantes, CPE Lyon, Sorbonne Université, IMT Mines Ales, Université Grenoble Alpes, INSA Rennes, Institut Polytechnique De Grenoble, Université Bourgogne Franche Comte, Université De Picardie Jules Verne, Université Catholique De L'Ouest, Université de Tours, Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis, Université d'Angers, Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, Université d'Aix Marseille, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, INSA Lyon, UTT, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sciences Po Lyon, Sciences Po Aix, Sciences Po

Member of ISEP (International Student Exchange Programme), non-profit organisation based in the US and making study abroad accessible to all. French members are: Aix-Marseille, INSA Lyon, IEP Rennes, Uni of Minnesota Montpellier, Le Havre Normandie, Paul-Valery, Savoie Mont-Blanc, Angers, Caen, Franche-Comté, Lille, Nantes, Picardie, Réunion.

Founded and gained university status in 2001. Academic staff: 85. Administrative staff: 215. Students: 9,525 (20 French and 335 non-UK). Based on 13 colleges and research centres (plus 70 local learning centres): Argyll, Inverness, Lews Castle, Moray, North Highland, Orkney, Perth, Shetland, West Highland, Highland theological colleges; NAFC marine centre, Sabhal Mòr Ostai, Scottish Association for Marine Science. No known transnational partners.

Research institutes: health & innovation (biomedical sciences; rural health & wellbeing; nursing & midwifery; healthcare innovation); society, identity, landscape and knowledge (cultural and natural landscapes/ecosystems; identity and heritage; sustaining communities; pedagogy; Northern studies; agronomy); humanities and arts (archaeology; history; creative industries; literature; language sciences; Gaelic language and culture); marine, environmental science and engineering (marine ecology; aquaculture; energy; terrestrial science; physical oceanography; technology; environmental studies).

No showcased research mentions French connections, but some scholars have regular collaboration with France:

  • Leslie King (visiting professor in Environment and Sustainability): participated in Paris COP21 and engaged with communities to address challenge of Paris agreement.
  • Claire Gachon (ENS graduate): molecular phycology & seaweed pathogens, with Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle amongst other collaborations

Erasmus+ destinations in France: Université de Strasbourg, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, Université Grenoble Alpes

Offers an Erasmus Mundus Master degree in aquaculture, environment and society lead by the Universities of Crete, in partnership with Nantes.

University of the West of Scotland (Paisley)

Founded in 1836, gained university status in 2007. Academic staff: 590. Administrative staff: 670. Students: 17,025 (160 French and 1,985 non-UK). Schools: business & creative industries; computing, engineering & physical science; education & social sciences; health & life sciences. Campuses: Ayr, Dumfries, Lanarkshire, Paisley, London. Transnational partners: Cyprus, France (ECORIS Chambery, ICADEMIE Aix-en-Provence, IFC Avignon, TALIS Bordeaux – all part of the UNIS Group – MBA programme), India, Italy, Ireland, Malaysia, Mauritius, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates.

Research themes: health, society and sustainability. Subject areas: business & enterprise; computing; education; engineering; health; media & culture; science; social sciences; sport & exercise.

No showcased research mentions French connections, but some scholars have regular collaboration with France:

  • Marcus Scheck: nuclear physics & spectrometry, with the Grand Accélérateur National D'Ions Lourds amongst others
  • Severin Guillard: research fellow, working with Paris-Est Creteil and others on music and hip-hop.

Erasmus+ destinations in France: ECORIS, ICADEMIE, IFC, TALIS, IMT Lille, INSA Rennes, Université d'Aix Marseille, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Université de Haute-Alsace, Université de Lorraine, Université de Perpignan, Université de Montpellier, Université d'Angers, Université de Caen Normandie, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, Université Paris Est Marne-la-Valle, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université de Toulon, Université de Lille, Université Le Havre Normandie, Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Université de Nantes, IPAC.

International programme: MSc Quality Management (International) in partnership with Université of Angers.



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