
Franco-Scottish links in research, innovation and higher education

Overview of Franco-Scottish higher education and research partnerships including analysis and recommendations for furthering collaboration between France and Scotland.

Annex 1: Interview guide

Setting up

Introduce the project

Paris-Hub: launched in 2018, one of the Scottish Government overseas offices, tasked with improving international reputation, protect Scotland's interests, increase investment, help trade and promote research & innovation capability.

Interviewer: French doctoral researcher based at the University of Edinburgh business school, working on evaluation of powers and governance of the Scottish Food and Drink industry.

Research project: three months part time, supported by the Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences. Objectives are to provide evidence base to support strategic planning for the Hub, and help the team demonstrate benefits of such partnerships, identify barriers and showcase possibilities for future collaborations.

Ethics and consent

Participation in this research is entirely voluntary. The interview will be recorded, and information may be used by the Scottish Government for internal reports as well as external communications. Anonymity can be granted upon request, and participant can withdraw or refuse to answer questions at any time. Information provided will be held securely and confidentially. Result of the research project can be made available upon request.

General information

Organisation details

Short history, remit, type of institution (public, private, non-profit).

Areas of expertise, cooperation and funding links with key institutions in Scotland, UK and Europe.

Participant details

Role within the organisation, background and experience.

Existing links with France


Overall number and value of existing collaborations.

Type and remit of existing links: forma/informal; research project, training, consortium, business, knowledge exchange, education….

Key priority areas for collaborations. Probe links with climate change and renewable energies.

Origin of the key collaborations: funding, networking, formal/informal set up.

Barriers and opportunities

What were the key challenges in setting up the collaborations.

What are the main benefits of working with France, what makes France research attractive.

What type of support was available when building relationships (internal and external).

Do they already have support/interaction with the Scottish Government.

Future collaborations with France

Barriers and opportunities

How will existing collaborations be continued and/or replaced.

Impact of Brexit and Covid crises.

Which areas would the organisation like to strengthen links in or create new ones.

SG support

What type of support would they benefit the most from?

Any support or infrastructure currently missing?

Would they be willing to be featured in future communications and case studies.



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