
Franco-Scottish links in research, innovation and higher education

Overview of Franco-Scottish higher education and research partnerships including analysis and recommendations for furthering collaboration between France and Scotland.

Annex 2: Online survey

Section 1 – Set up

Project introduction

This survey is presented by the Scottish Government Hub in Paris. Launched in 2018, it is one of the overseas offices tasked with improving Scotland's reputation, protect Scottish interests, increase investment in the country, help trade and promote its research and innovation capability.

The objective of this survey is to gather information on the existing relationships between France and Scotland in the area of research & innovation. It also seeks to identify barriers and opportunities for future collaborations. Its results will support the future strategic planning of the Paris Hub, and help its team demonstrate the benefits of Franco-Scottish partnerships to diverse stakeholders.

Section 2 – About you

Participant details

Participation in this research is entirely voluntary, you can withdraw or skip questions at any time. You can come back to each section and amend your answers at any time. The information you provide will be used by the Scottish Government for internal reports related to the research project and may also be included in external communications.

* Denotes mandatory questions.

What is your name? *

What is your email address? *

What is your organisation? *



Your position

What is your area of expertise *

Please indicate how you wish your response to be handled and, in particular, whether you are content for your response to published externally. If you ask for your response not to be published, we will still take account of your views in our analysis, but we will not publish your response, quote anything that you have said or list your name, role or organisation. We will regard your response as confidential, and we will treat it accordingly. To find out how we handle your personal data, please see our privacy policy.

The Scottish Government would like your permission to publish elements of your response. Please indicate your preference *

Publish response with name

Publish response only (anonymised)

Don't publish

I confirm that I have read the privacy policy and consent to the data I provide being used as set out in the policy *


Section 3 – Existing links with France/Scotland

What type of partnership with France/Scotland are you currently involved with? (multi-choice)

Research project

Knowledge exchange project

Network or consortium

Fellowships (including PhD)

Mobility exchange

Other: text box

What is the partnership timeline?

Start date:

End date:

Ongoing or not applicable: text box

How is the partnership funded? (multi choice)

National Research Programme (UKRI, ANR, SFC)

National Development Programme (Scottish Enterprise, CNER)

European Research Programme (Horizon)

European Development Programme (Interreg, COST)

Other: text box

What is the overall financial value of the partnership? (open-ended)

Text box

What is the main objective/impact of the partnership? (open-ended)

Text box

Who are the Scottish/French partners involved? (open-ended)

Partner 1: Text box

Partner 2: Text box

Partner 3: Text box

Other partners: Text box

How were you first introduced with the Scottish/French partner(s)? (multi-choice)

Networking (conference, event…)

Scientific publications

Historic links

Other: text box

What made you choose this/these partners? (open-ended)

Text box

On a scale of 0 (poor) to 10 (high), how would you rate the expertise of each country in your area (single choice)

France: Scale 0 to 10, I don't know

Scotland: Scale 0 to 10, I don't know

Section 4 – Support, Barriers and opportunities

Do you have any concerns over the future of this partnerships, in particular in the context of Brexit and the Covid pandemic? (open-ended)

Text box

Did you receive any support from the Scottish Government or any of its agencies when establishing the partnership? (single choice)

No - (Conditional) Are you aware of any support from the SG or its agencies? (open-ended)

Yes - (Conditional) Please specify what type of support you received (open-ended)

What were the main challenges you encountered when setting up the partnership? (open-ended)

Text box

Are you willing to set up new partnerships in the future?

No - (Conditional) What are the barriers preventing you from considering such partnerships? (open-ended)

Yes - (Conditional) Which areas of research would you like to strengthen or create links in? (open-ended)

What type of support would you like to receive? (open ended)

Text box

Section 5 – Follow up

Would you like to be included in the Paris Hub newsletter? *



We will share your response internally with other Scottish Government policy teams who may be addressing the issues you discuss. They may wish to contact you again in the future, but require your permission to do so. Are you content for Scottish Government to contact you again in relation to this survey? *



Thank you for taking the time to participate.



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