Freedom of information policy objectives: 2024 to 2026

Information on the actions and priorities of three workstreams, to improve the operation of FOI rights in Scotland.

Workstream 2 - updating statutory guidance for Scottish public authorities

Objective 2.1

In consultation with the Scottish Information Commissioner - revise the section 60 Code of Practice to update guidance for Scottish public authorities.  This includes, but is not limited to, updating the guidance as it relates to:

  • handling of requests about services delivered by outsourcing partners
  • use of non-corporate platforms, and other developments in IT
  • seeking clarification
  • making the relationship between FOISA and the EIRs clearer for requesters

Actions to deliver

  • the Scottish Government is working collaboratively with the Scottish Information Commissioner to produce a revised draft for circulation to Scottish public authorities and other interested stakeholders for comment
  • the Scottish Government will formally consult the Commissioner on a final proposed text following stakeholder input


  • revised version of the section 60 Code to be circulated for comment in 2024
  • aim to finalise new Code by early 2025

Objective 2.2

In consultation with both the Scottish Information Commissioner and Keeper of the Records of Scotland agree a timetable and approach for the revision and update of the section 61 Code of Practice on Records Management.

Actions to deliver

  • approach to be agreed through engagement with Commissioner and Keeper


  • requires to take account of concurrent records management reviews and the Communications and Records Intervention of the Scottish Information Commissioner
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