Private rented sector - rent increase frequency: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) results for frequency of rent increases in the private rented sector.

The Scope of the EQIA

The EQIA considers the impact that the proposals to prevent rents from being increased during the first 12 months of a PRT not in a rent control area may have against the protected characteristics: age; disability; sex (including pregnancy and maternity); gender reassignment; sexual orientation; race; and religion or belief.

Potential impacts have been considered in the context of the public sector equality duty, which requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people, when carrying out their activities.

The proposals were assessed and evidence was gathered from published data, engagement with working groups, stakeholder meetings and responses to the Landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire on rented sector reform.

While there are sources of data on the composition and characteristics of tenants within the PRS in Scotland, similar information on landlords is not routinely collected. Despite a lack of statistical information, we have used the EQIA to consider how the proposals impact on both landlords and tenants with protected characteristics within the PRS, and this is considered to be neutral.



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