
Enhanced heating regimes: consultation analysis

Analysis of the responses made to the consultation on enhanced heating regimes which ran from 24 June until 16 August 2019.



This summary sets out key findings from in-house analysis of responses to the Consultation on the Enhanced Heating Regimes within the new definition of Fuel Poverty.[1] The consultation opened on 24 June 2019 and closed on 16 August 2019.


A total of 21 responses were received: 8 from local authorities; 7 from groups or organisations, and 6 from individuals.

The consultation posed 11 questions in total, each of which had an Agree/Disagree or Yes/No element that has been analysed quantitatively, and an option to enter comments to explain reasons for disagreeing with the proposal. However, some respondents who agreed with the proposal, or agreed in part, also left comments. The comments have been analysed qualitatively.

The policy intention is to apply the regimes in terms of calculating fuel poverty only. However, some respondents appear to have the understanding that enhanced heating regimes will be implemented in eligible households, and refer to related issues such as ways of categorising health conditions, eligibility criteria and proxies, the potential difficulty of increased fuel costs, and monitoring of temperatures and heating hours in homes. Responses should therefore be interpreted in light of this. The prevalence this apparent misunderstanding amongst respondents indicates that there is a need for greater clarity when discussing the purpose of enhanced heating regimes in future.



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