Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group Meeting minutes: May 2016

Record of discussion for the May 2016 meeting of the Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group.

Attendees and apologies


David Sigsworth (DS), Elizabeth Leighton (EL), Teresa Bray (TB), Donna Burnett (DB), Norman Kerr (NK), Gordon Grant (GG), Julie Deegan Wood (JDW), Trisha McAuley (TM), Tony Cain (TC), Ade Kearns (AC)


Angus Macleod (AM), Scottish Government


Alan Ferguson

In attendance

Christine McArthur (CMcA), note taker

Items and actions

DS welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2016 were circulated prior to this meeting. These were approved.


AM to send information for circulation after the EU Referendum regarding SEEPs.

2. SWG Work Plan

2.1 New Ministerial Team

Minister for Local Government and Housing, Kevin Stewart MSP.

Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities, Angela Constance MSP.

Minister for Social Security, Jeane Freeman MSP will also have an interest (Health).

CMcA to arrange for DS to meet with Minister for an update meeting.

2.2 Poverty Advisor

When appointed the Poverty Advisor will be invited to the July meeting. The Group are keen to find out how the recommendations in the report ‘Shifting the Curve’ will be taken forward.

2.2 Engagement with External Stakeholders

DB has been in discussions with the Health and Social Care Integration team in East Ayrshire. They have committed to working through Integrated Health and Social Care arrangements to tackle their wellbeing challenges. They run a Community Health Improvement Partnership through Vibrant Communities and have implemented a model of integrated working that has multidisciplinary locality teams working around individuals and small communities to improve their health and wellbeing. A locality might be a school, a GP Practice, or other.

A whole person approach is taken by the multi-disciplinary teams in East Ayrshire. Everything is captured in this, education, local community facilities, social care, housing etc. Practitioners work with individuals and communities to identify what is needed to improve their wellbeing and respond to this, using services and resources from across the Community Planning Partnership (including third sector and business).
Representatives from the Health and Social Care Integration team will give a short presentation at the July meeting.


Set up meeting with Poverty Advisor and prepare an agenda for this.

2.3 Liaison with Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force (SRFPTF)

EL has been in touch with the Chair of the SRFPTF to discuss their progress. EL will now be attending the RFPTF meetings. A meeting has been set up for the Chairs of the SWG, RFPTF and the Fuel Poverty Forum to discuss the progress of each group.

3. Interim Report

After lengthy discussion it was agreed that the report should:

  • be rigorous
  • include a short background report, possibly as an appendix
  • explain things clearly, try not to use jargon
  • start by briefly stating conclusions regarding the Interim findings. Then analyse the fuel poverty problem and outline SWG’s views and potential solutions. Conclude by listing the detailed Interim Findings.
  • include case studies (JDW may be able to provide case studies)
  • should highlight that there needs to be cross-departmental/policy actions


The final version will get to the Cabinet Secretary on 21st June.

4. Conclusion and date of next meeting

DS highlighted that the Group was now self-funded and thanked those responsible for the funding for their help with this.


Email: christine.mcarthur@eas.org.uk

Telephone: 0141 226 3264

Scottish Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group
Energy Action Scotland
Suite 4a Ingram House
227 Ingram Street
G1 1DA

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