
Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill and Fuel Poverty Strategy: health impact assessment

Health Impact Assessment on the policy development of the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill and Fuel Poverty Strategy.

4. Health Impact Scoping Workshop

A member of the Scottish Health and Inequalities Impact Assessment Network facilitated a scoping workshop on 30 th November 2017, delivering an overview on the Heath Impact assessment process as an introduction to the workshop and guided participants through the equality and health issues. Discussions included actions that could be taken to promote positive impacts of the draft fuel poverty strategy and Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill and remove or mitigate any negative impacts.

Representatives from Scottish Government, Energy Action Scotland, Age Scotland, NHS Health Scotland and Citizens Advice Scotland participated in the workshop.

The group identified the population groups that would be particularly affected by the draft fuel poverty strategy and the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill. These include groups of people that are at highest risk of fuel poverty and/or are at risk to its effects, and groups that may find it difficult to access advice and support.

The table below provides some examples of the types of impacts and questions (to fill gaps in knowledge) that were identified in the scoping workshop.


Area of impact

Potential impact or question

General well being

Which disabilities increase vulnerability to fuel poverty

What are the health impacts of fuel poverty?

Which populations are most at risk to the effects of fuel poverty and why?

What is the best way to engage with Health and Social Care Partnerships

People receiving healthcare and other services

People who have barriers to accessing advice and support

What is the overall impact of reduced fuel poverty on the use of health and social care?

Which populations find it hard to engage with advice and support services?

What are the best models to reach them?


What evidence is there that reduced fuel poverty leads to increased social interaction and support

What is the common understanding of fuel poverty?

How will the Fuel Poverty Strategy and Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill be framed?

What characteristics of service increase or reduce stigma?

Does the impact of stigma affect different populations differently?


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