
Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill and Fuel Poverty Strategy: health impact assessment

Health Impact Assessment on the policy development of the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill and Fuel Poverty Strategy.

7. Evidence of the impacts on health and wellbeing of living in a cold home

Cold and damp housing has been associated with poor physical health, such as asthma, and poor mental health and wellbeing.

( Liddell, 2012; McCartney et al, 2013, Peters, 2014; ScotPHN 2016).

Evidence has linked damp and mouldy homes with direct adverse effects on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of both adults and children.

Platt S et al (1989) Damp housing, mould growth and symptomatic health state. British Medical Journal, 298:


The focus on Getting It Right for Every Child ( GIRFEC) is providing every child with the best start in life: ready to succeed. The Good Places Better Health process identified "appropriately ventilated, well insulated and affordably heated" homes as important for childhood health and wellbeing outcomes.

Addressing the Educational Attainment Gap highlighted that children's education can be marred by living in a cold, damp house when health problems keep them off school, or a cold home means there is no warm, separate room to do their homework.

The cold also reduces lung function which is a risk factor in triggering asthma attacks and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD), such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Geddes I et al (2011) The Health Impacts of Cold Homes and Fuel Poverty. London: Friends of the Earth and The Marmot Review Team.

Individuals in cold homes may also be more at risk to accidental injury in the home as a result of reduced strength and dexterity and an increased risk of falls or injury. An indirect impact may include social isolation.

Geddes I et al (2011) The Health Impacts of Cold Homes and Fuel Poverty. London: Friends of the Earth and The Marmot Review Team.


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