The Funding of Local Government in Scotland, 2025-2026
Overview of the calculation of funding for local government, 2025-26.
Summary of the data used to distribute the 2025-26 settlement
Child population £925m.
Working-age population £1.28bn.
Elderly population £263m.
Population adjusted for visitors £674m.
Urban pop £26m.
Rurality £202m.
Pre-school pupil numbers £534m.
Primary-aged pupil numbers £1.82bn.
Secondary-aged pupil numbers £1.93bn.
Teacher data £1.02bn.
Other school data £46m.
Population deprivation £909m.
Child deprivation £956m.
Elderly deprivation £296m.
Homelessness data £216m.
Housing deprivation £17m.
Roads data £414m.
Dwellings & Council Tax bands £461m.
Children in lone parent households £189m.
Loan and contract costs £568m.
Elderly mortality, morbidity and living alone £1.98bn.
Other data £374m.
Historical allocations £87m.
SG allocation or bid process £1.05bn.
Flat rate £32m.
For other organisations £25m.
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