
Funds provided to CodeClan: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

I would like to know how much money the Scottish Government has provided to CodeClan since they were founded. I would also like to know how many students they have registered and how many students have completed a course since they were founded. In addition, I would like comparative data for further education College computing students so that I can compare the two.


The answer to your question is, in 2015, CodeClan received £2.1 million to help support the academy’s start-up and early operating costs. In 2016 they received £300,000 and in 2017 they received £500,000, both times, to support the continuation of their work in closing the digital skills gap. In addition, CodeClan has received money via Skills Development Scotland (SDS) through the Digital Skills Pipeline and Digital Start Fund programmes. You may wish to contact SDS directly at for further information.

Furthermore, the Scottish Government have paid CodeClan a total of £130, 393.65 for the provision of CodeClan graduates to the Scottish Government.

The number of students registered on the immersive software and data boot camps is 1,883 and with 1,711 students graduated. In addition, they have also trained 1,141 students on bespoke courses for companies, and 1,277 students on short public courses, so the overall number of students trained is 4,129.

In relation to your request for further education College computing students figures, the Scottish Government does not hold information on College computing students. Some information is held and collected by The Scottish Funding Council (SFC). There is some subject information available in the background tables of the College Statistics publication: College Statistics 2021-22 (, however, you may wish to contact SFC directly at 0131 313 6500 or, who may be able to help you with your specific request.

This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have requested.

About FOI

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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