
Funeral Director Code of Practice

The Funeral Director: Code of Practice (‘the Code’) applies to all funeral directors carrying out the functions of a funeral director in Scotland regardless of where their business is based.

Business continuity and managing risks

77. The funeral director must prepare and maintain a written contingency plan which contains provisions about:

  • Dealing with any unexpected increase in the number of deaths.
  • Contingency arrangements for any unexpected disruption to or loss of services.

78. When drafting and reviewing this plan, where possible, the funeral director must engage with third parties such as: local crematoriums and burial grounds, other funeral directors and their relevant NHS Board.

79. The plan must be made available to inspectors on request and should be reviewed annually.

80. The funeral director must notify inspectors of any serious business or service failures as soon as practicable e.g. in the event of a fire, bankruptcy, etc.



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