
Sea fisheries - future catching policy: consultation analysis

Analysis of public consultation on Future Catching Policy (FCP).

11. Business Regulatory Impact Assessment (Q24)


11.1. The consultation document was supplemented by a draft Business Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA). Respondents were asked to express any comments or views on the BRIA. In total, 35 respondents expressed views on the BRIA.

11.2. Some respondents noted the draft nature of the BRIA prior to making comments and suggested that the BRIA should be discussed at FMAC.

11.3. Other respondents used this question to reiterate points made throughout the consultation.

11.4. In terms of comments relating to the BRIA, the following views were raised by respondents:

  • That the policy statements and commitments contained within the BRIA were only achievable where a level playing field between all nations and fleet sectors within Scottish waters is established and consistently applied from the outset.
  • Any action taken must be considered with its own socio-economic and environmental impact assessment.
  • That the BRIA required more detail.
  • That there should be more use of the knowledge of fishermen.
  • That any business impact should be considered secondary to sustainable management of fish stocks.
  • Quotas need to be increased in light of the current fuel prices.
  • A sense that the policies set out are economically inaccurate and only look at the benefits to the industries that the agencies are set up to regulate.
  • That the language used throughout the consultation was not conducive to a public consultation which made it difficult for some to fill out.
  • The costs of not complying with the 2020 Fisheries Act should be evaluated.



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