Gathering views on probationer teachers' readiness to teach
The broad aim of the project is to explore the views and perceptions of whether probationer teachers are ready to teach.
Areas for further consideration
Based on the evidence, it is suggested that the following may be worthy of further consideration:
- Review the memorandum of entry qualifications of ITE programmes to ensure high quality candidates with the essential knowledge, abilities and disposition are selected into ITE programmes.
- Review
- To explore the support needs identified in putting theory into practice in the classroom in ways that support all children and young people effectively
- To include more practical examples in delivering aspects of the curriculum
- To further understand the views of probationers and probationer supporters on the perceived lack of balance and emphasis during ITE across key areas such as health and wellbeing and equality.
- To consider which aspects of elective programmes of study may be most useful in becoming part of mainstream programmes
- To consider the skills progression of probationer teachers, in particular related to developing resources to support the learning needs of all young people.
- Review the support for coaching and mentoring for probationer
teachers and probationer supporters during the
- Coaching and mentoring can be a defining factor of the success of the probationer teachers TIS experience. In order that all probationer teachers have the best experience possible, a review of professional learning opportunities in coaching and mentoring for all probationer supporters may be worthy of consideration
- Review the early career phase of a teacher journey to bring
cohesion to the expectations of and support for early career
- Considering ITE, TIS and the first few years of teaching experience as an early career phase would support skills development across a longer period of time and align with the notion of 'beginning teachers' acknowledging probationer teachers are at the start of a teachers journey.
- Extending partnership working between local authorities and ITE institutions through the proposed regional improvement collaboratives in Education Governance: next steps (2017)
- Further research into the differing perceptions about the probationer teachers readiness to teach
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