Gathering views on probationer teachers' readiness to teach
The broad aim of the project is to explore the views and perceptions of whether probationer teachers are ready to teach.
Appendix 1 - Evaluation of Teaching Scotland's Future – questions relating to ITE
Evaluation of Teaching Scotland's Future (2016)
Question 14
Thinking about your school placement during your Initial Teacher Education, how effective was the support given to you by the school to help you successfully complete the placement?
Question 15
How useful did you find the following aspects of Initial Teacher Education ( ITE) at university in preparing you for your first post as a teacher?
Health and Wellbeing
Professional Studies (
e.g. child development,
psychology, curriculum development)
Pedagogy/ approaches to learning and teaching
Classroom management
Subject content
Additional support needs
Using digital technologies to support teaching and learning
Behaviour Management
Child protection/ safeguarding
Working with other relevant professionals
Question 16
Overall how effective do you think your Initial Teacher Education ( ITE) at university was in preparing you for your first post as a teacher?
- The majority of probationer teachers identified with 'effective'.
Question 18
Thinking about your probationary period, how effective was the support given to you by the school/establishment to help you successfully achieve the Standard for Full Registration?
Question 19
Thinking about your probationary period, how effective were the following aspects of professional learning?
Question 20
During your probationary period, how effective was the professional learning you undertook in helping you achieve the GTCS Standard for Full Registration?
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