GDP Quarterly National Accounts: 2024 Quarter 1 (January to March)

An accredited official statistics publication.

This release includes updated estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) for Scotland, along with a range of additional economic statistics which are used for economic forecasting and modelling.

About the GDP Quarterly National Accounts

This publication includes the second estimate of onshore GDP growth for the latest quarter, which uses additional data which has become available since the Quarterly GDP First Estimate was published two months ago. The results in this release are broadly comparable to, and make extensive use of data derived from, the latest UK Quarterly National Accounts which were published one month ago.

In addition to the second estimate of onshore growth in real terms, the GDP Quarterly National Accounts also includes: 

  • Total GDP in nominal (cash) terms for the onshore economy and also the wider economy including offshore activities
  • Onshore GDP in nominal terms broken down using all three of the output, expenditure and income approaches
  • Experimental statistics estimates of the expenditure approach to GDP in real terms
  • Household Sector income and expenditure accounts for Scotland, including Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) and the Household Savings Ratio
  • Public sector revenues

Next publications

GDP Monthly Estimate, June 2024                                     28 August 2024
GDP First Quarterly Estimate, 2024 Quarter 2                28 August 2024
GDP Monthly Estimate, July 2024                                      25 September 2024
GDP Quarterly National Accounts, 2024 Quarter 2        30 October 2024


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