Gender export gap in Scotland: research
Research commissioned by the Scottish Government to understand what is holding women back from exporting and the difference their increased participation in trade could make to Scotland’s economy.
Executive Summary
- The report aims to understand the gender export gap in Scotland with the intention to:
- develop an economic case for addressing a known gender export gap in Scotland and;
- understand what the most effective avenues to address this gender export gap could potentially be and how they could be implemented.
- The aims were undertaken by drawing on data from: (i) the Longitudinal Small Business Survey to quantify the economic impact of women’s under-participation in exporting on Scotland’s economy; (ii) 16 interviews with women entrepreneurs who are exporting; (iii) 10 interviews with women who are not exporting; (iv) 5 case studies of successful women entrepreneurs who are exporting; and (v) 9 interviews with key stakeholders from the enterprise support ecosystem.
- Our key finding from the quantitative analysis highlights that reducing the gender export gap could lead to significant benefits – if women-led SMEs exported at the same rate as male-led exporters it could increase total turnover by between £2.1 billion and £6.3 billion over one year and between £3.4 billion and £10.3 billion over two years.
- From the qualitative analysis we provide insights from the women participants regarding: (i) the barriers faced by women exporting and not exporting; (ii) the challenges to the support provided in Scotland; (iii) the opportunities to grow and internationalise; and (iv) the support required for the women to thrive in growing their businesses and exporting.
- From the interviews with the enterprise support organisations, we provide insights into: (i) the barriers and challenges of delivering support; and (ii) the further support needs and opportunities for women-led Scottish SMEs in pre-growth, early-growth, and growth stages.
- Based on the findings we propose several recommendations to the Scottish Government for opportunities to reduce the gender gap in exporting. These recommendations include: (1) running export awareness campaigns for women seeking to internationalise; (2) providing a foundation programme of training and information on e-commerce for women-led businesses; (3) providing a programme of trade missions for women-led businesses; (4) expanding existing export advisory services to cover all of Scotland for these women entrepreneurs; (5) increasing the international exposure of women’s networks; (6) providing adequate finance and promoting financial literacy for women entrepreneurs; (7) investigating the links between exporting and productivity for both men and women-led SMEs; (8) collating gender-segregated data for exporting in Scotland; (9) mapping out the current exporting support programmes and initiatives to provide an understanding of the exporting landscape for women; and (10) aligning policy priorities for women-led SMEs.
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