Gender export gap in Scotland: research

Research commissioned by the Scottish Government to understand what is holding women back from exporting and the difference their increased participation in trade could make to Scotland’s economy.

Appendix 6: Methodological note

We used a conditional difference-in-difference (CDiD) approach which combines propensity score matching (PSM) and difference-in-difference (DiD) approaches to identify the direct impacts of entering an export market. The CDiD approach is a two-step process that allowed us to estimate the difference between turnover and number of employees before and after SME entry into an export market. This approach is frequently used for policy evaluation and recommended in HM Treasury’s Magenta Book[8].

However, there are several limitations which need to be accounted for:

1) There is a conditional independence assumption which assumes that the observable differences between the treated (exporters) and non-treated (non-exporters) group can be controlled and therefore the outcome that would occur in the absence of treatment would be the same in both cases.

2) The approach requires a rich dataset that contains the key variables that affect both the decision to enter export markets, appropriate outcome variables, and appropriate control variables. The LSBS contains a rich number of variables to be able to conduct this analysis, however, when looking at Scotland, the number of observations in a sub-sample becomes quite low.

3) The matching procedure cannot account for unobservable characteristics that can interact with the measured outcomes (e.g., managerial characteristics). Even though the LSBS contains a vast number of variables we are limited by the sample size in what we can apply.

4) When sample sizes for either control or treatment groups are small, as is the case for women-led exporters in Scotland, estimations run the risk of yielding imprecise estimates.

Despite these limitations the results are still valid as we took several steps to ensure the robustness of our analysis. Our starting point for the conditional difference-in-difference analysis was all SMEs in the UK. From here we selected firms that exported in 2018 and discarded firms that exported before 2018. We also discarded any company that says they do not know if they exported or did not export. Our treatment groups are therefore SMEs that exported in 2018 while the control group were the non-exporters.

Both groups were then split into two: observations for the whole UK, and observations for Scotland only. The remaining number of single treated firms in the UK is 3,333 and in Scotland is 182. While the number of potential control UK firms in the 2017-2020 period ranges from 5143 up to 11,579, the number of potential control Scottish firms in the 2017-2020 period ranges from 547 up to 903.

To aid further analysis and fulfil the objective of this study, these groups were further divided into two: women/equally led SMEs and male-led SMEs. The single treated women/equally led SMEs in the UK is 1,579 and in Scotland is 52. While the single treated male-led SMEs in the UK is 3128 and in Scotland is 100. For the potential control women/equally led SMEs in the UK, the number in the 2017-2020 period ranges from 1,809 up to 4,842, and in Scotland ranges from 206 to 343. For the male-led SMEs in the UK, the number of the potential control ranges between 3084 to 6288, and in Scotland, it ranges between 368 and 487.

Our outcome variable was the average turnover and number of employees. The main identification challenge for estimation purpose is to know what would have happened with the firms exporting had they not started exporting. It is important we find a control group of firms similar to those who are exporting, because those who are exporting might differ systematically from the firm who are not exporting. The key identifying assumption behind this procedure is that the treated group’s outcome variables would behave like the control group’s outcomes if there were no exportation.

For the impact analysis, we employ the difference-in-differences (DiD) matching estimator. This approach enables us to compare the changes in firm performance between exporting firms (treatment group, T) and their matched non-exporting counterparts (control group, NT). Let YTj,t represent the logarithm of the outcome measure 𝑌 for treated firm j in year t. The difference in the log of the outcome measure between year t and 𝑡−1 for treated firm j is defined as ΔYTj,t = YTj,t YTj,t 1. The same quantities are computed for the firms in the control group (NT). We then obtain the average treatment effect on the treated (ATET) by comparing these differences. The ATET is calculated as follows:

An equation produced by the researchers to calculate the average treatment effect on the treated (ATET) as part of the difference-in-differences (DiD) matching. This compares the changes in firm performance between exporting firms (treatment group, T) and their matched non-exporting counterparts (control group, NT).

Where 𝑁𝑇 is the number of treated firms, and 𝑌𝑇𝑗,t and Δ𝑌𝑁𝑇𝑖,𝑡 are the log differences for treated and matched control firms, respectively. In the matching procedure, all variables related to the treatment assignment and the outcome were included. Each treated firm is matched with a control firm considering performance measures and observable characteristics in the before-treatment period. As matching using the exact values of all covariates is not possible, treated firms and control firms are matched using the propensity score estimated via a logistic regression model with a set of pre-treatment attributes. This method estimates the conditional probability that a firm exports based on firm characteristics.

We selected three sets of independent variables for our matching approach: location type as urban or rural, industry sector[9], and geographical context as England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our goal is to identify the most similar control firm for each treated firm based on these variables to accurately estimate the propensity score. Given this objective, we are not concerned with multicollinearity among the variables, as we do not interpret the probit regression coefficients or their standard errors. Instead, we focus on the propensity score, i.e., the overall fit of the logistic regression, and more importantly, on achieving covariate balance after matching.

With the estimated propensity score, we conduct Kernel matching, matching each treated unit with multiple control units with different weights. There was 1,579 treated women/equally led SMEs in the UK. As all the firms were matched during the Kernel matching, the final number of treated firms remains 1,579 while the control firms are 9,022.

For the male-led SMEs in the UK, no treated firms were eliminated as there were matching control firms. The final number of treated firms is 3,128 while the matching approach identified 8,994 control firms.

None of the 52 treated women/equally led SMEs in Scotland were eliminated because they all had matching control firms. The final number of control firms is 610. Of the 100 treated male-led SMEs in Scotland, none were eliminated. The final number of untreated firms was 824.

After matching, we performed the DiD analysis to estimate the treatment effect. This involved three steps. Firstly, we calculated the difference in the outcome variable before and after the treatment period.

For treated firms (T):

ΔYTj,t = YTj,t – YTj,t-1

For matched control firms (NT):

ΔYNTi,t = YNTi,t – YNTi,t-1

Then we computed the difference between the changes in outcome for treated and control firms: Di = ΔYTj,t – ΔYNTi,t. Finally, we calculated the average of these differences to estimate the ATET. The weighted difference in difference is then:

A second equation produced by the researchers to calculate the average treatment effect on the treated (ATET) as part of the difference-in-differences (DiD) matching. This includes a calculation in the difference in the outcome variable before and after the treatment period.

Where wj are the weights assigned to the matched control units, NT is the number of treated units, and 𝐷j is the DiD for treated unit j.


Tables A1 – A4 present the results from the PSM and DiD for Women-led and equally led SMEs Scotland.

Tables A5 – A8 present the results from the PSM and DiD for male-led SMEs Scotland

Tables A9 – A12 present the results from the PSM and DiD for women-led and equally-led SMEs UK

Tables A13 – A16 present the results from the PSM and DID for male-led SMEs UK

Table A1: Propensity Score Matching – Kernel – Women-led and equally led SMEs Scotland

Logistic regression

Log likelihood = -177.15655

Number of obs = 662

LR chi2(2) = 10.07

Prob > chi2 = 0.0065

Pseudo R2 = 0.0276

Treatment Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
SIC1DIG -.1312139 .0433824 -3.02 0.002 -.2162418 -.0461861
URBRUR1 -.0135541 .0430281 -0.32 0.753 -.0978876 .0707794
_cons -1.445121 .7010589 -2.06 0.039 -2.819172 -.0710711

Table A2: PSTest – Kernel – Women-led and equally led SMEs Scotland

Verification that the covariates are balanced across treated and control groups after matching.

Variable Treated Control %bias t p>|t| V(C)
SIC1DIG 5.3846 5.9175 -14.5 -0.76 0.449 1.19
URBRUR1 15.154 15.246 -2.8 -0.14 0.889 0.98

* if variance ratio outside [0.57; 1.74]

Ps R2 LR chi2 p>chi2 MeanBias MedBias B R %Var
0.004 0.61 0.736 8.6 8.6 15.2 1.15 0

* if B>25%, R outside [0.5; 2]

Table A3: Regression – DiD – Women-led and equally led SMEs Scotland 2018 & 2019 turnover
P1_2018 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment -599156.3 1298234 -0.46 0.645 -3153525 1955212
Time 364459.8 383998.2 0.95 0.343 -391084.3 1120004
DiD 2217040 1504154 1.47 0.142 -742491.9 5176572
_cons 677322.9 314868 2.15 0.032 57797.52 1296848

Number of obs = 317

P1_2019 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment -599156.3 825968.5 -0.73 0.469 -2227232 1028920
Time 473150.8 275927.6 1.71 0.088 -70733.18 1017035
DiD 3672016 1070650 3.43 0.001 1561646 5782386
_cons 677322.9 200326.8 3.38 0.001 282456.5 1072189

Number of obs = 218

Table A4: Regression – DiD – Women-led and equally led SMEs Scotland 2018 & 2019 number of employees
P1_2018 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment -13.67521 9.240045 -1.48 0.140 31.83124 4.480818
Time 2.687264 2.724976 0.99 0.325 -2.66712 8.041647
DiD 10.29564 10.74955 0.96 0.339 -10.82645 31.41774
_cons 14.23077 2.2484 6.33 0.000 9.812823 18.64872

Number of obs = 483

P1_2019 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment -13.67521 10.44262 -1.31 0.191 -34.22208 6.871653
Time 4.691309 3.528799 1.33 0.185 -2.251943 11.63456
DiD 4.353136 14.40057 0.30 0.763 -23.98137 32.68764
_cons 14.23077 2.541026 5.60 0.000 9.231056 19.23048

Number of obs = 316

Table A5: Propensity Score Matching – Kernel – male-led SMEs Scotland

Logistic regression

Log likelihood = -315.67629

Number of obs = 924

LR chi2(2) = 2.12

Prob > chi2 = 0.3464

Pseudo R2 = 0.0033

Treatment Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
SIC1DIG -.01039 .0303715 -0.34 0.732 -.0699171 .0491371
URBRUR1 .0486051 .0342882 1.42 0.156 -.0185985 .1158088
_cons -2.78052 .5666454 -4.91 0.000 -3.891125 -1.669916

Table A6: PSTest – Kernel – male-led SMEs Scotland

Verification that the covariates are balanced across treated and control groups after matching.

Mean t-test V(T)/

Variable Treated Control %bias t p>|t| V(C)
SIC1DIG 5.7 5.8581 -4.5 -0.32 0.752 1.00
URBRUR1 15.28 14.734 18.8 1.37 0.173 0.99

* if variance ratio outside [0.67; 1.49]

Ps R2 LR chi2 p>chi2 MeanBias MedBias B R %Var
0.007 1.90 0.387 11.6 11.6 19.5 1.06 0

* if B>25%, R outside [0.5; 2]

Table A7: Regression – DiD – male-led SMEs Scotland 2018 & 2019 turnover
P1_2018 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 1155691 2216199 0.52 0.602 -3202044 5513426
Time 1133489 572875.2 1.98 0.049 7038.806 2259940
DiD 4832569 2508313 1.93 0.055 -99551.9 9764689
_cons 772642.5 426507.7 1.81 0.071 -66004 1611289

Number of obs = 517

P1_2019 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 1155691 1727205 0.67 0.504 -2243956 4555337
Time 416978.2 514186.3 0.81 0.418 -595091.2 1429047
DiD 4777001 2052904 2.33 0.021 736283.5 8817719
_cons 772642.5 332400.8 2.32 0.021 118380.2 1426905

Number of obs = 379

Table A8: Regression – DiD – male-led SMEs Scotland 2018 & 2019 number of employees
P1_2018 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment -.8320921 16.80546 -0.05 0.961 -33.82926 32.16508
Time 3.154385 3.70311 0.85 0.395 -4.116594 10.42536
DiD 32.91704 18.03711 1.82 0.068 -2.49846 68.33255
_cons 16.26066 3.011419 5.40 0.000 10.3478 22.17352

Number of obs = 680

P1_2019 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment -.8320921 19.25117 -0.04 0.966 -38.66048 36.9963
Time 3.872957 4.766896 0.81 0.417 -5.493956 13.23987
DiD 36.3281 21.78138 1.67 0.096 -6.472143 79.12834
_cons 16.26066 3.449672 4.71 0.000 9.482085 23.03924

Number of obs = 477

Table A9: Propensity Score Matching – Kernel – women-led and equally-led SMEs UK

Logistic regression

Log likelihood = -4355.2693

Number of obs = 10,601

LR chi2(2) = 212.97

Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Pseudo R2 = 0.0239

Treatment Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
SIC1DIG -.1073064 .0078465 -13.68 0.000 -.1226851 -.0919276
-.3283033 .0625253 -5.25 0.000 -.4508507 -.205756
URBRUR1 .0291547 .0078677 3.71 0.000 .0137342 .0445752
_cons -.8432934 .080438 -10.48 0.000 -1.000949 -.6856377

Table A10: PSTest – Kernel – women-led and equally-led SMEs UK

Verification that the covariates are balanced across treated and control groups after matching.

Mean t-test V(T)/

Variable Treated Control %bias t p>|t| V(C)
SIC1DIG 6.0431 6.3827 -9.7 -2.85 0.004 0.88*
1.1951 1.1982 -0.5 -0.14 0.888 1.18*
URBRUR1 7.5624 7.5515 0.2 0.06 0.950 1.03

* if variance ratio outside [0.91; 1.10]

Ps R2 LR chi2 p>chi2 MeanBias MedBias B R %Var
0.002 8.57 0.036 3.5 0.5 10.4 0.92 67

* if B>25%, R outside [0.5; 2]

Table A11: Regression – DiD – women-led and equally-led SMEs UK 2018 & 2019 turnover
P1_2018 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 2224494 907644.4 2.45 0.014 445020.2 4003968
Time 33469.96 190583.5 0.18 0.861 -340176.8 407116.8
DiD -433432.4 930919.1 -0.47 0.642 -2258538 1391673
_cons 1199266 171406.3 7.00 0.000 863216.6 1535315

Number of obs = 4,116

P1_2019 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 2200484 961394.2 2.29 0.022 315235.5 4085733
Time 225596.9 216523.8 1.04 0.298 -198996.2 650189.9
DiD -709177 1006149 -0.70 0.481 -2682188 1263834
_cons 1199266 178015.6 6.74 0.000 850185.4 1548346

Number of obs = 2,404

Table A12: Regression – DiD – Women-led and equally led SMEs UK 2018 & 2019 number of employees
P1_2018 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 5.722589 5.713455 1.00 0.317 -5.477737 16.92291
Time -1.518149 1.151324 -1.32 0.187 -3.775139 .7388398
DiD -3.372967 5.847555 -0.58 0.564 -14.83617 8.090239
_cons 17.58044 1.046305 16.80 0.000 15.52933 19.63156

Number of obs = 6,284

P1_2019 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 5.982058 6.241971 0.96 0.338 -6.256442 18.22056
Time -.7554416 1.372502 -0.55 0.582 -3.446478 1.935594
DiD -5.133374 6.538488 -0.79 0.432 -17.95325 7.686502
_cons 17.58044 1.126211 15.61 0.000 15.3723 19.78858

Number of obs = 3,323

Table A13: Propensity Score Matching – Kernel – male-led SMEs UK

Logistic regression

Log likelihood = -6829.5756

Number of obs = 12,120

LR chi2(2) = 182.98

Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Pseudo R2 = 0.0132

Treatment Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
SIC1DIG -.0758681 .006262 -12.12 0.000 -.0881414 -.0635948
NATION -.2832519 .0458586 -6.18 0.000 -.3731332 -.1933707
URBRUR1 .0350445 .0061208 5.73 0.000 .023048 .047041
_cons -.5249238 .0584706 -8.98 0.000 -.6395242 -.4103235

Table A14: PSTest – Kernel – male-led SMEs UK

Verification that the covariates are balanced across treated and control groups after matching.

Mean t-test V(T)/

Variable Treated Control %bias t p>|t| V(C)
SIC1DIG 5.6202 5.7688 -4.4 -1.84 0.065 0.99
NATION 1.2276 1.2154 1.7 0.71 0.478 1.24*
URBRUR1 8.0531 7.9378 2.3 0.89 0.371 1.09*

* if variance ratio outside [0.93; 1.07]

Ps R2 LR chi2 p>chi2 MeanBias MedBias B R %Var
0.000 4.31 0.230 2.8 2.3 5.2 1.04 67

*if B>25%, R outside [0.5; 2]

Table A15: Regression – DiD – male-led SMEs UK 2018 & 2019 turnover
P1_2018 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 494906.3 1385753 0.36 0.721 -2221761 3211574
Time 684292.3 313659.2 2.18 0.029 69386.25 1299198
DiD 2988281 1409905 2.12 0.034 224266.6 5752296
_cons 1575687 282314.8 5.58 0.000 1022230 2129145

Number of obs = 5,130

P1_2019 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 494906.3 1612836 0.31 0.759 -2667513 3657326
Time 542184.3 399883.1 1.36 0.175 -241899.4 1326268
DiD 2650130 1669312 1.59 0.112 -623026.9 5923287
_cons 1575687 328577.6 4.80 0.000 931418.3 2219957

Number of obs = 2,905

Table A16: Regression – DiD – male-led SMEs UK 2018 & 2019 number of employees
P1_2018 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 1.777606 6.729196 0.26 0.792 -11.41364 14.96885
Time .69126 1.441193 0.48 0.631 -2.133911 3.516431
DiD 11.63924 6.834401 1.70 0.089 -1.758241 25.03671
_cons 18.4066 1.307195 14.08 0.000 15.84411 20.9691

Number of obs = 7,067

P1_2019 Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] [95% conf. interval]
Treatment 1.777606 6.788228 0.26 0.793 -11.53147 15.08668
Time .2383565 1.615442 0.15 0.883 -2.928896 3.405609
DiD 7.221756 7.01825 1.03 0.304 -6.5383 20.98181
_cons 18.4066 1.318662 13.96 0.000 15.82122 20.99199

Number of obs = 3,673



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