Gender export gap in Scotland: research

Research commissioned by the Scottish Government to understand what is holding women back from exporting and the difference their increased participation in trade could make to Scotland’s economy.


We gratefully acknowledge the women entrepreneurs who gave up their time to sit down and talk with us to give us a better understanding of the gender export gap in Scotland. We would also like thank to the ESOs who gave us their time and insights into their organisations with respect to supporting, mentoring and implementing the internationalisation and exporting agenda, specifically for women in Scotland.

We would like to recognise and thank Dr Victoria Oziri who supported the project on the quantitative element. Victoria was a dedicated and knowledgeable research assistant. She was fundamentally important to the quantitative data collection and working with the team to analyse the quantitative data.

We also gratefully acknowledge the ESRC-funded Enterprise Research Centre and the Department for Business and Trade for providing access to the Longitudinal Small Business Survey in support of our work on the connections between business practices and growth.

Our final acknowledgement goes to the Scottish Government, especially to the Trade Policy Division Team, in particular Monika Dybowski for her support and direction on the research study and feedback on the report.



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