Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018: Regulation 2 report April 2023

First report on public boards’ progress towards the “gender representation objective” which is achieved when a board has 50% of its non-executive members who are women. The report includes information on the number of vacancies, appointments made and steps taken to encourage applications from women.


1. Note: These were two judicial vacancies advertised in one single advert. Judicial vacancies can only be advertised to sitting members of the judiciary.

2. Note this was for one solicitor and one advocate member.

3. Competitions 3 and 4 were for the same vacancy, no appointment were made due to lack of diversity in applicants in competition 3.

4. The Open University (being a UK-wide body) is exempt from the Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016 and therefore also from the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018. However, they have decided to supply the required information on a voluntary basis.

5. No competitions were run for these vacancies as one appointment was filled by an external member on a Board committee, joining the full Board, and the other appointment was of a recently retired Principal on the Scottish HE Sector

6. Two resignations from male members, the vacancies have not been advertised as yet.

7. Vacancies remain unfilled.



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