
Medical practice - contract and context principles of the Scottish Approach: update

Update to the general practice (GP) community, following announcements made at the Scottish Local Medical Committee Conference 2017.

6. Looking Ahead

6.1 The Scottish Government and SGPC remain committed to a collaborative approach to contract negotiations and context improvements. In the months ahead we will widen our discussion to include Health and Social Care Partnership Chief Officers to develop a delivery model suitable for the new practice teams.

6.2 We are also jointly committed to delivering a new contract that better supports GPs in their role as Expert Medical Generalists with remuneration and career progression for that role more clearly specified. In transforming the role of the GP in the community - focussing on complex care; undifferentiated illness; and outcomes, quality and leadership - we are making the best use of GP skills - managing uncertainty, holistic person-centred care and clinical leadership of an expanded team. This is exactly what is needed to focus GP time on those patients who need them most, including those with palliative and end of life care needs.

6.3 Our shared Vision puts general practice and primary care genuinely at the centre of a community health service, improving outcomes for local communities. Effective, sustainable and accessible general practice is needed by everyone - so we all start well, live well, age well and indeed die well. The decisions GPs make every day - whether to treat; how to treat; whether to refer - are critical to the sustainability of the NHS in Scotland.

6.4 We are clear that General Practice is not the problem, it is a critical part of the solution. This is why we are focused on increasing the multi-disciplinary teams working in practices, freeing up GP time. It means building on skills and the early promise of GP clusters so that GPs play an even bigger role in anticipatory care and proactively supporting the health of Scotland's communities. Giving GPs the time to be clinical leaders in practices, in clusters, and in the community.

6.5 Through our shared ambition - for GPs to be medical leaders in the community; to take on this new role of the GP; to be hopeful and work together - we are confident the future of general practice in Scotland is bright.


Email: Joseph McKeown

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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