Genomics in Scotland strategy: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Genomics in Scotland: Building our Future five-year national strategy (2024 to 2029).

6. Scottish Firms Impact Test

The strategy, which aims to improve the accessibility and availability of genomic medicine services in Scotland and the better integration of genomic data into national datasets, may have an impact on Scottish firms. As part of the consultation around the development of this strategy, views of ABPI and the NHS Research industry leadership group were sought. We will continue to engage with industry to ensure industrial partners have equal access to the opportunities afforded by genomic medicine, and developments taking place within Scotland.

The strategy aims to improve access to genomic testing, including those supporting access to SMC approved medicines. It is also aiming to improve access to genomic data as part of the wider national infrastructure to improve our use and insights into genomic medicine. This may have an impact on Scottish firms with an interest in both medicine and innovation development. We held meetings with ABPI and the strategy draft consultation included ABPI Scotland, the Scottish Industry Partnership Group and the Ethical Medicines Industry Group and the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC). We also work closely, as part of the work of the SSNGM, with the SMC.



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