
Getting The Best From Our Land: A Land Use Strategy For Scotland 2016 - 2021

Scotland's Second Land Use Strategy

4 Monitoring Delivery of the Strategy

4.1 The Land Use Strategy Indicators

The ten Land Use Strategy indicators were chosen to monitor the progress being made in the delivery of the first Strategy's three Objectives. Although they do not provide a comprehensive measure of every aspect of land use associated with the Land Use Strategy, they represent key aspects of the Strategy Objectives and provide a balanced picture of important representative elements. We consider that these indicators provide robust national datasets and remain fit for purpose. In order to provide background, the national indicators are supplemented by related indicators and information to provide useful context. Further information on trends illustrated by the indicators and contextual indicators and information can be found on the Land Use Strategy webpages.

The indicators are shown below, and supplementary information and data is provided on the Scottish Government website. The relationship of indicators to the Land Use Strategy's three long term Objectives is also shown.

Indicator and context Land Use Strategy Objective
1 Land use, land use change and forestry ( LULUCF) greenhouse gas emissions Supplemented with information on renewable energy all
2 Gross Value Added ( GVA) in agriculture and forestry Supplemented with information on Total Income from Farming. 1
3 Scottish tourism visits Supplemented with information on regional tourism, information from the Moffatt Centre and Scotland Visitor Survey 1 and 3
4 High nature value farming and forestry Supplemented by information on the favourable condition target 1 and 2
5 Natural Capital Asset Index ( NCAI) Supplemented with information from UK National Ecosystem Assessment 2
6 Water ecological status Supplemented by information on river water quality 2
7 Terrestrial breeding birds Supplemented by information on Scottish Natural Heritage Trend Notes and Farmland Bird Trends in Scotland 2
8 Volunteering in nature Supplemented by information from the Scottish Nature Omnibus 2 and 3
9 Visits to the outdoors Supplemented by data on the use made of greenspace 3
10 Community inclusion in land use decision making Supplemented by information on Forestry Commission Scotland indicators and the Scotland's People and Nature Survey ( SPANS) 3

4.2 Future Reporting

We welcome an on-going dialogue with all our stakeholders about the delivery of the Policies and Proposals in this document. We aim to provide regular updates on progress and will explore the best means to provide people with information on progress with the delivery of the Land Use Strategy 2016 - 2021, as well as information on events and resources.

As set out above we will develop and publish a more detailed reporting framework by December 2016.

The Land Use Strategy webpages currently provide a range of information including publications and reports and the Land Use Data Directory. These pages will be regularly reviewed and updated.


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