
Getting our priorities right: good practice guidance

Updated good practice guidance for all agencies and practitioners working with children, young people and families affected by problematic alcohol and/or drug use.

Appendix 6: Terms of Reference For CPC/ADP Shared Arrangements


ADP/ CPC should place a designated representative on each group to ensure there is a direct link between the ADP/ CPC. The terms of reference of both groups should identify clearly with the role and responsibility and contribution of the representative in respect of both committees, for example, to take issues between the ADP/ CPC for information, comment or action as appropriate.

Development of robust information sharing arrangements - local protocol for information sharing between services and for working with families affected by problematic alcohol or drug use to include guidance on resolving disputes where information is not released.


Links should be strengthened between ADP/ CPC and Public Protection.

Early sharing of information of work being done at a national and local level.

Noted that ADPs do not have a Chairs meeting and there is a need to specify how the Scottish National Child Protection Committee Chairs Forum links with the ADPs at a national level.

Links with other partnerships. It is important that there are specified links with the range of public protection partnerships, including Violence Against Women Partnership and youth justice. This should involve everyone whose role is about 'protecting people'. ADPs are not routinely included in all public protection partnerships in local authorities.

Strategies should not be developed without cross fertilization. Briefing papers should be provided across partnerships with a suggested template which provides for brief report stating information, comment and action. These should be brief, clear summaries. Partnerships should also be encouraged to produce action minutes. Joint sub-groups need to include people from the voluntary organisations. This needs to be clear and sub-groups need to be active and to be accountable focusing on what they want to achieve within their terms of reference. There must be a trail of activity and it must be possible to see evidence of discussion within the sub-groups.

It is important that ADP partnerships also link in with child protection health groups. CPCs should be responsible for ensuring that ADP issues are embedded within child protection health groups. ADP and CPC strategy should be developed in consultation and there should be joint development of local action plans and strategies. There should be a statement about how problematic alcohol or drug use training is embedded in child protection training and vice versa.

Regular joint reporting to CPC/ ADP meetings on specific relevant items and cross-cutting issues (standing items on agenda).

Joint reporting of information through ADP/ CPC performance reports.

Responding to consultations ADP/ CPC, for example, GOPR.

Development and delivery of CAPSM training in CPC training calendar.

Development of local alcohol and drugs strategy in consultation with CPC.

Development of local policies, protocols and guidance in relation to ADP/ CPC priorities.

Develop ADP/ CPC joint task groups/working groups for shared ventures as appropriate.


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