
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Practice Guidance 1 - Using the National Practice Model

The National Practice Model seeks to support practitioners to consider ways to improve wellbeing outcomes for a child or young person

7. Undertaking an assessment using the My World Triangle

The main tool for assessing the current circumstances in a child or young person’s whole world is the My World Triangle. The fundamental importance of supportive and trusted relationships can be explored using the Triangle, which is especially relevant considering our ambition of all children and young people growing up loved, safe and respected. The Triangle has been developed from a knowledge and research base in relation to children’s development and its use helps to support the realisation of children’s rights.

My World Triangle

How I grow and develop is where consideration should be given to factors in the child or young person’s life relating to various aspects of physical, cognitive, social and psychological development. In order to understand and reach sound judgments about how well a child or young person is growing and developing, practitioners must think about many different aspects of their lives including: learning and achieving, positive relationships with family and friends, self-confidence, independence and communication.

What I need from the people who look after me accounts for the critical influences of other people in the child or young person’s life. Parents normally have the most significant role, but the role of siblings, wider family, teachers, friends and community is also important. Considering the inputs from people surrounding the child or young person can indicate where there are strong supports and where other supports are required. Practitioners must think about a range of factors including: every day care and support, positive adult role models, knowing what is going to happen and when, and an understanding of family background, beliefs and culture.

My wider world reflects how the communities where children and young people grow up can have a significant impact on their wellbeing and the wellbeing of their families. The level of support available from a child or young person’s wider family, social networks and within their neighbourhood can have differing effects. Practitioners must think about the local context including: employment, education, healthcare, housing and sense of belonging and safety.

The whole child or young person: Physical, Social, Educational, Emotional, Spiritual & Psychological development



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