
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): practice guidance 2 – role of the named person

Guidance intended for practitioners and service leads that work with children, young people and families. This guidance clarifies who would be the appropriate practitioner to fulfil this role.

10. Information sharing about children and young people's wellbeing needs

To provide practitioners with clarity and confidence in sharing information, Practice Guidance 4 in this series provides Information Sharing Charters for children and young people, and parents and carers. These can be shared with children, young people and families as a basis for conversations about their privacy rights in relation to sharing information about them. The charters explain how children, young people and families can expect information about themselves to be managed and aims to make their privacy rights easier to understand. On all occasions when information is shared, it should be shared proportionately and the purpose should be to offer help and support as early as possible.



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