Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): practice guidance 2 – role of the named person
Guidance intended for practitioners and service leads that work with children, young people and families. This guidance clarifies who would be the appropriate practitioner to fulfil this role.
11. Annex A – Knowledge and skills required to deliver the role of the named person
- The values and principles underpinning the GIRFEC approach;
- Wellbeing and the use of the National Practice Model (please see Practice Guidance 1) for the Assessment of Wellbeing (please see Statutory Guidance);
- Taking account of children's rights in line with the UNCRC;
- Recognise, evaluate and respond proportionately to a wellbeing need using a strengths-based approach;
- Work together with children, young people and families, including supporting them to fully participate, including where communication barriers exist, how to access appropriate support if required;
- Lawfully record and process information, in line with information sharing guidance (please see Practice Guidance 4);
- Develop, use and manage a chronology;
- Recognise when the response to a wellbeing need(s) demonstrates a requirement for a child's plan (see glossary);
- Be aware of the grounds for a referral to the Scottish Children's Reporters Administration (SCRA) and recognise when a referral is appropriate in relation to the child or young person; and
- Understand the relationship between a wellbeing need and a child protection concern and how to follow local child protection procedures.
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