
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): practice guidance 2 – role of the named person

Guidance intended for practitioners and service leads that work with children, young people and families. This guidance clarifies who would be the appropriate practitioner to fulfil this role.

8. A key role at transition points

The named person should contribute to the assessment and planning process for children and young people who need extra support at key transition points. They should ensure effective transfer of information, in line with information sharing guidance (please see Practice Guidance 4), to the new named person. The named person may have statutory responsibilities within their designated role (e.g. as a health visitor or teacher); these statutory responsibilities may require them to share information regardless of whether the child, young person or family choose to accept their support as a named person.

For children and young people with additional support needs, any additional support required for transitions should be identified and implemented in line with the Supporting Children's Learning Statutory Guidance and the timescales set out under the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004.

Other examples of key transitions where extra support may be required, although not an exhaustive list, include Transition Care Plans for young people moving from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health and Care Services, young people who need social care support making the transition from children's services to adult services and also young carers moving from a Young Carer Statement to an Adult Carer Support Plan.



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