Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Practice Guidance 3 – The role of the lead professional

This guidance on the role of the lead professional aims to clarify who would be the appropriate practitioner to fulfil this role and the responsibilities in the management of a child’s plan.

1. Background

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) (see glossary) is the Scottish Government’s commitment to provide all children, young people and their families (for definition of child or young person and family see glossary) with the right support at the right time – so that every child and young person in Scotland can reach their full potential.

This guidance on the role of the lead professional (see glossary) is intended for practitioners and service leads working together with children, young people and families.

This guidance aims to clarify who would be the appropriate practitioner to fulfill this role and the responsibilities in the management of a child’s plan (see glossary).

It seeks to reassure leaders, managers and practitioners about how GIRFEC should be delivered within the current legislative and policy framework of rights, information sharing, and delivery of supports and services to children, young people and their families.



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