
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): child's plan - practice statement - easy read

Provides an easy read version of the overview of the consideration and function of the non-statutory child's plan within getting it right for every child (GIRFEC).

How does the child’s plan support transitions?

Well planned transitions are important for children or young people and their families when it comes to planning.

A transition is any change from one stage to another in their life. These transitions include starting pre-school for the first time or transferring to primary school, as well as transferring from primary to secondary school and preparing to leave school.

Transitions could also include moving from one school or community to another because of a change of address.

The child’s plan should support better transitions. It should help professionals plan to make sure children or young people keep receiving support.

Lead professionals should support a child or young person’s wellbeing through any transition by working alongside them, their family and other practitioners involved.

Lead professionals should make sure that the views of the young person and family are at the heart of the plan.

This planning should include those young people who are transitioning from school to young adult life, and especially when they will need support fromadult services.

It is important to have good transitions for disabled young people, care-experienced young people, and young carers, as well as people transitioning from child to adolescent mental health services.



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