
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): child's plan - practice statement - easy read

Provides an easy read version of the overview of the consideration and function of the non-statutory child's plan within getting it right for every child (GIRFEC).

How does a chronology support a child’s plan?

Chronology is a word for a timetable or diary that says when things happen. Chronologies are an important part of a child’s plan.

A chronology lists the important events that have happened in a child or young person’s life so far. It will help everyone understand the impact these events have had on the child or young person’s wellbeing.

A multi-agency chronology is needed if two or more organisations are working with a child or young person and support is being provided through a child’s plan. This will be co-ordinated by a lead professional.

Chronologies can be used from before a child is born into adulthood to help assess their wellbeing or planning for support.

Staff can support families best if they have all the information they need. Information should be gathered regularly to check that children and families are getting the support they need.

Staff should keep checking their single agency chronology to make sure that it is up to date and is still supporting a child or young person’s wellbeing.

Staff should also check the information for any needs or risks. These should then be shared with a family, other staff, the named person if they are supporting a family and lead professional.



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