
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): child's plan - practice statement

Provides an overview of the consideration and function of the non-statutory child's plan within getting it right for every child (GIRFEC).

6. How does a chronology support a child’s plan?

Chronologies are a critical part of a child’s plan.

A single-agency chronology highlights significant events, both strengths and concerns, in a child or young person’s life to date. It provides a summary of information which supports further dialogue and exploration with a child or young person, their family and practitioners working with them to develop a better understanding of how these events may impact the child or young person’s wellbeing.

A multi-agency chronology is produced where two or more agencies have an involvement with a child or young person and support is being provided through a child’s plan, co-ordinated by a lead professional.

Chronologies can be used from pre-birth to transitions into adulthood to help inform an assessment of wellbeing or planning for support. Practitioners can best support families, and assist the lead professional, by ensuring that important information is gathered systematically, in a consistent way and that the outcomes and impact of decisions made, such as offers of support or referrals to services, are clear.

Over time, practitioners should review their single agency chronology to ensure that it is up to date and continues to be a practical tool for supporting a child or young person’s wellbeing. They should also analyse the information for any significant patterns of need or risk which they may wish to share with a family, within their agency or, where appropriate, the named person and lead professional.



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