
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - Statutory Guidance - Assessment of Wellbeing 2022 – Part 18 (section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 - Easy Read

This statutory guidance clarifies how the eight wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) are used in assessing the wellbeing of children and young people and will explain what wellbeing is in the context of the Act.

Doing an assessment of wellbeing

The law says that an assessment of wellbeing must look at all the factors in a child or young person's life that might affect their wellbeing.

The assessment is based on:

a) Promoted – given support to develop

b) Safeguarded – protected from harm or danger

c) Supported – given help and encouragement

d) Affected – guided or changed

e) Subject to an effect – affected by things that happen around them

An assessment of wellbeing must look at all factors in a child's life. This will show how best to support them. Their age, stage of development and their environment will be looked at.

The assessment will be completed with the child, young person and their family. We will use the GIRFEC National Practice Model.

The National Practice Model is a way for workers to check on the wellbeing of a child or young person. Information will be gathered from a number of sources with the full input of the child or young person themselves.

The views of the child or their family may be different to the workers views. All views will be listened to.

Communication or learning impairment should not be a barrier to giving views. Sharing decision making is very important.

Workers know that children can do well in different environments. They must respect different needs.

The assessment can show what a child needs. This can be protection, guidance, treatment or control. A compulsory supervision order can be made. This is an official order. A referral is made to the Children's Reporter.

A Children's Reporter is the person who decides if a child or young person needs to come to a Children's Hearing. A Children's Hearing is a legal meeting for young people in need of help, support or protection.

We do not always use compulsory supervision order at the early stage. However, they can help.

A wellbeing needs assessment can lead to a child or young person being at risk of harm. Child Protection guides says how to know when a child need protected.



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