
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - Statutory Guidance - Assessment of Wellbeing 2022 – Part 18 (section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

This statutory guidance clarifies how the eight wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) are used in assessing the wellbeing of children and young people and will explain what wellbeing is in the context of the Act.

3. Introduction

With the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) as its foundation, GIRFEC provides Scotland with a consistent framework and shared language for promoting, supporting, and safeguarding the wellbeing of children and young people. Getting it right for every child is based on evidence, is internationally recognised and is an example of a child rights-based approach. It is locally embedded and positively embraced by practitioners across children’s services, changing culture, systems and practice for the benefit of children, young people and their families. However more needs to be achieved as we work towards Keeping The Promise to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of all children in Scotland.

The refreshed values and principles of GIRFEC we want to fully embed and implement are:

  • Placing the child or young person and their family at the heart, and promoting choice, with full participation in decisions that affect them;
  • Working together with families to enable a rights-respecting, strengths-based, inclusive approach;
  • Understanding wellbeing as being about all areas of life including family, community and society;
  • Valuing difference and ensuring everyone is treated fairly;
  • Considering and addressing inequalities;
  • Providing support for children, young people and families when they need it, until things get better, to help them to reach their full potential; and
  • Everyone working together in local areas and across Scotland to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families.

The purpose of this statutory guidance is to explain what ‘wellbeing’ is in the context of the Act and its associated secondary legislation (known as ‘Orders’).

This guidance is issued under section 96(3) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 (the Act), which says the Scottish Ministers must issue guidance on how the eight wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) – Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included (listed in section 96(2)) – are to be used to assess the wellbeing of a child or young person.

This guidance should be read in conjunction with section 96 of the 2014 Act (Assessment of wellbeing).

This guidance does not change the framework for making a referral to the Children’s Reporter if compulsory measures of supervision may be required. It should therefore also be read in conjunction with the 2011 Act, and accompanying guidance.

This guidance does not change the procedures for responding to child protection (see glossary) concerns, and should also be read in conjunction with the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland.

This guidance sits alongside national and local policy guidance on wellbeing in the context of Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC). There is more information on the Scottish Government GIRFEC website.



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