
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - Statutory Guidance - Assessment of Wellbeing 2022 – Part 18 (section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

This statutory guidance clarifies how the eight wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) are used in assessing the wellbeing of children and young people and will explain what wellbeing is in the context of the Act.

4. Purpose of Part 18 (section 96) of the 2014 Act: Assessment of Wellbeing

Part 18 of the Act covers general provisions, including section 96, which sets out the required approach to assess a child’s wellbeing.

a. Section 96(1) specifies that section 96 applies when making an assessment under the Act relating to the wellbeing of a child (specifically, when assessing whether wellbeing is being or would be promoted, safeguarded, supported, affected or subject to an effect);

b. Section 96(2) lists the eight indicators of wellbeing (SHANARRI); Safe, Healthy , Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included that should be considered when assessing wellbeing in the context of the Act;

c. Section 96(3) requires the Scottish Ministers to issue guidance on how the indicators in section 96(2) are to be used to assess wellbeing;

d. Section 96(4) stipulates that the Scottish Ministers must consult with specified stakeholders, and such persons as the Ministers consider appropriate, before issuing or revising guidance;

e. Section 96(5) requires a person measuring the wellbeing of a child or young person as mentioned in section 96(2) to have regard to guidance issued under section 96(3);

f. Section 96(6) gives the Scottish Ministers order-making power to modify the list of wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) in section 96(2); and

g. Section 96(7) requires the Scottish Ministers to consult with specified stakeholders, and such persons as the Ministers consider appropriate, before making an order under section 96(6).



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