
Gigabit In Scotland: public review report - revised

A revised report setting out the responses to the public review into eligible premises for public investment via Project Gigabit and actions taken as a result of the responses, including subsequent submissions. The report also describes the next steps for the delivery of Project Gigabit in Scotland.

4. Revised Intervention Area

As a result of the Public Review and including supplier data changes during the assessment phase and rolling OMR process, the Scottish Government has revised the Gigabit broadband map for Scotland. In line with the Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Scheme guidelines, the Scottish Government has classified premises as White, Grey, Under Review or Black. We will only subsidise build to premises which have been designated as White.

  • White - indicates premises with no gigabit network infrastructure and none is likely to be developed within 3 years
  • Black - indicates premises with two or more qualifying gigabit infrastructures from different suppliers being available, or will be deployed within the coming 3 years
  • Grey - indicates premises with a single qualifying gigabit infrastructure from a single supplier is available, or is to be deployed within the coming 3 years
  • Under Review - indicates premises where suppliers have reported current or planned commercial broadband coverage, but where claimed current gigabit coverage has not been verified, or, in respect of planned build, where evaluators are confident that gigabit infrastructure will be delivered, but some risks to delivery remain, or there are some gaps in evidence.

For presentational purposes, postcodes have been used when mapping the proposed eligible areas for this Public Review (note we will only subsidise build to premises which have been designated as White - postcodes are not used to determine intervention areas for subsidy).

For the purpose of mapping only, postcodes have been classified as follows:

1. A postcode is White if any ‘White’ premises are present; else

2. A postcode is Under Review if any ‘Under Review’ premises are present; else

3. A postcode is Black if all premises in the postcode are classified ‘Black’; else

4. A postcode is Grey if all premises are ‘Grey’ or there is a mixture of ‘Grey’ and ‘Black’ premises

The current Gigabit coverage map for Scotland can be found in Appendix B. An associated file is available for download alongside this document listing all postcodes with their Subsidy Control classification and premise breakdown. A list of eligible premises (White and Under Review) is available to suppliers upon request.

Premises that are classified as Under Review will be subject to continued monitoring and verification of supplier plans within the proposed delivery period by the Scottish Government and in the event that these commercial plans fall away, these premises will be reclassified as White and form part of the proposed intervention area and therefore eligible for intervention via this aid measure. Monitoring forms part of the rolling OMR process.

The mapping analysis of existing and evidenced planned coverage (within the next 3 years) has identified significant remaining ‘White’ areas. The outcome of the Public Review is summarised in terms of White, Grey, Black and Under Review premises below and in reference to postcode mapping as described above:

Postcode Classification (All Scotland) Number of Postcodes Number of Gigabit Black Premises Number of Gigabit Grey Premises Number of Gigabit Under Review Premises Number of Gigabit White Premises
White 36,727 19,724 156,584 106,289 364,725
Under Review 37,180 71,831 293,135 447,507
Grey 54,486 218,759 837,205
Black 24,947 464,109
Total 153,340 774,423 1,286,924 553,796 364,725

Note that this outcome reflects the whole of Scotland. The PR[6] document intimated that Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) was carrying out a Project Gigabit procurement on behalf of the Inverness and Highland City Region Deal. HIE has since confirmed that it will not proceed with the procurement, therefore in line with the PR document, we have assessed all premises in Scotland.

In line with the Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Scheme, if commercial plans change and are notified to the Scottish Government, then affected premises can be reclassified accordingly.

For any potential procurements, the Scottish Government will make coverage information available at a premises level within the identified White postcode areas to bidders to ensure that bids can target those premises without Gigabit broadband coverage efficiently.



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