
Global biodiversity framework: Edinburgh Process - information

Information on the Edinburgh Process for subnational governments, city and local authorities on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

Edinburgh Process webinars

Online delivery of the Edinburgh Process over spring and summer 2020 replaced an intended 3-day workshop which was due to be held at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in April 2020. The workshop was due to host 200 participants however the online process has reached over 400 global participants – adding more voices to the subnational constituency, their commitments, and calls to action for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. We also launched an online platform to enable communication between participants outside of the webinars.  All webinar sessions were recorded and can be viewed on the Subnational Workshop YouTube channel

On 23 September 2020, the Edinburgh Process was presented to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) via online webinar. 

The Webinars, chaired by Prof Sir Ian Boyd and Jean Lemire, highlight the outcomes of the process including the Edinburgh Declaration, and heard from Roseanna Cunningham, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform; Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity; the OEWG Co-Chairs Basile van Havre and Francis Ogwal; and, Mayor Valerie Plante, Mayor of Montreal, amongst others.

These webinars have now taken place and can be viewed on YouTube here:

Further information can be found on the Session 1 and Session 2 discussions, including links to resources. These can be found in the supporting files section of this page.

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