
Global Citizenship: Scotland's International Development Strategy

This strategy sets out our intentions in respect of our international development.



Our Strategy is aligned with wider Scottish Government policies, including:

Scotland's International Outlook: International Framework

Scotland's International Framework sets the direction for Scotland's international activity and takes forward one of the key priorities of Scotland's Economic Strategy - internationalisation. Our international development work fully supports this priority, and reflects a key pillar of the Economic Strategy of tackling inequality, a goal shared by all nations who are committed to the UN Global Goals.

One Scotland Approach

The One Scotland approach recognises that achieving success depends on collaborative working and collective action. We will work in partnership with others - in Scotland and with partners overseas - to fully realise our international potential and secure our international objectives.

National Performance Framework

The Scottish Government's National Performance Framework ensures that Government and Public Service create a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.

Scottish National Action Plan on Human Rights ( SNAP)

Being a good global citizen necessitates setting an example through domestic policy. We are committed to creating a modern, inclusive Scotland which protects, respects and realises human rights. We expect all states to comply with international and human rights law and condemn human rights abuses wherever they occur.

Education Scotland's International Strategy

Education Scotland's International Strategy affirms our commitment to prepare today's learners for a global future; commits to work closely and in partnership with other key organisations; as well as provide appropriate targeted educational support in our partner countries - Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda and Pakistan.

Trade and Investment Strategy, and Internationalising Social Enterprise

Scotland's Trade and Investment Strategy 2016-21 aims not just to improve Scotland's trade and investment performance, but also to contribute to inclusive and sustainable development elsewhere - especially in developing countries. This is further set out in Internationalising Social Enterprise - A Strategy for Scotland which articulates the vision of social enterprise which supports international development.

UN Sustainable Energy For All - Scotland's Contribution

Launched in 2011 by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the Sustainable Energy for All ( SE4All) initiative aims to mobilise collective action to bring access to modern sustainable energy services for all by 2030. Describing renewable energy as "the golden thread that connects development, social inclusion and environmental protection", Ban Ki-moon invited Scotland's involvement. UN SE4All - Scotland's Contribution sets out some of what we have achieved to date and what we intend to do in pursuit of Global Goal 7.

Climate Justice

Our Climate Justice policy recognises that the poor and vulnerable at home and overseas are the first to be affected by climate change, and will suffer the worst, yet have done little or nothing to cause the problem. Climate Justice puts people at the heart of decisions on equitable global sustainable development, and aims to build trust between developing and developed nations.


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