
Global Connections Survey: guidance

Guidance for businesses on how to complete the Global Connections Survey.

Help us develop policies to grow Scotland’s international trade

Dear Contact,
We would like to invite you to take part in the Scottish Government’s Global Connections Survey (GCS). The GCS is the official trade survey of Scottish businesses. The information collected on exporting businesses like yours is crucial to understanding trading patterns and informing policy decisions to grow Scotland’s international trade.

We are collecting data for 2022 and 2023 at the same time, which means you will not be asked to participate twice in a short period of time. We have been working to improve the survey by making it shorter and enhancing how the data is entered for some questions, making it easier to complete than in previous years.

We value your time, and greatly appreciate you taking part in the survey. You, along with thousands of other Scottish businesses, will ensure we can provide robust insights to help grow Scotland’s international trade.

You can access the survey by typing the following address (including the ‘https’ part) into your web browser:

You will be asked to enter your username and password, which are below.

Username: XXXX

Password: XXXX

Please note that the username and password are case sensitive, so take care when entering these, and make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end.

Your response is appreciated by Friday 7th June 2024

We are here to help you. If you need any support completing your survey, please contact the Trade Statistics team by calling 0300 244 0330 or emailing

Guidance for completing the survey can be found on our Trade Statistics website:


If you have any queries relating to the survey or need any further support, please email us at or phone us on 0300 244 0330.

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