
Global Connections Survey: guidance

Guidance for businesses on how to complete the Global Connections Survey.

Other guidance

Guidance on international sales (question 7)

If you answered that you have customers based outside the UK in question 6, you should answer question 7. Sales to these customers are counted as international exports. The percentage refers to the total sales provided in question 5.

Time and cost of completing the survey

In question 8, we ask about the time and cost of completing the survey to assess the burden that this has had on your business. Under the principles of the National Statistics Code of Practice, which is a statutory requirement covering all UK organisations that are responsible for official statistics, we must balance the needs of the users against the burden on providers. We have a duty to assess respondent burden, and this question is an attempt to measure this burden.


If you have any queries relating to the survey or need any further support, please email us at or phone us on 0300 244 0330.

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