
Good Food Nation - programme of measures: interim update 2022

A report on the progress made on Scotland's Good Food Nation ambitions.

Introduction – 2022 Interim Update

The first Good Food Nation Programme of Measures, published in September 2018, set out the range of measures being carried out across the Scottish Government to deliver our Good Food Nation ambition in Scotland. The Programme of Measures identified over 100 separate pieces of work which were already being done, or were planned, across Scotland. An update on these measures was published in November 2019.

This document is not a full update of these earlier publications, but it provides an update on work towards many of the measures contributing to the achievement of our Good Food Nation ambition. A full review of progress will be published in due course.

As with the previous updates, the measures are organised into five key areas:

1. Health

2. Social Justice

3. Knowledge

4. Environmental Sustainability

5. Prosperity



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