Building standard 3.3 - flooding and groundwater guidance review: research

Research to inform the review of guidance which supports Standard 3.3, including identifying current good practice on flooding and groundwater and suggesting improvements and adoption of a good practice guide for local authorities.

4. Suggested good practice template

A good practice approach

4.1 From the above, the planning system tries to address flooding issues from the outset, but there still could be a role for building standards officers in checking mitigation measure compliance (such as finished floor level and Property Flood Resilience, PFR) and identifying flood risk if not considered at planning stage or if the development is of a type not considered in the planning process (e.g. permitted development).

4.2 Table 4-1 provides a suggested checklist for good practice on verifying building standards compliance on flooding and groundwater which could be used by Building Standards Surveyors (verifiers) as part of the building warrant assessment process and as part of reasonable inquiry checks on site. It suggests checking on flood risk and communicating with the Local Authority flood officer, as appropriate, early on in the building warrant process. The checklist could also be reviewed to place any action already undertaken as part of a planning consent into account.

4.3 With respect to Property Flood Resilience (PFR), the CIRIA C790 Code of Practice is recommended including Post Installation Audit of PFR measures. The alignment of CIRIA C790 with building standards processes is summarised in Table 4-2.

4.4 As noted in the preceding section, PFR training may be beneficial to Building Standards Surveyors for checking compliance. Alternatively, the PFR compliance check could be outsourced to appropriately qualified specialists.

4.5 An earlier draft of the suggested good practice template was circulated for comment to the eight Local Authorities who had submitted survey responses (Appendix F). Responses from six of those LAs were obtained (Appendix G) and the feedback used in the approach suggested here. An additional response was also received via LABSS and is included in Appendix G.

Table 4-1: Suggested good practice checklist




Building warrant

Is flooding and groundwater an issue at this site? (e.g. local knowledge and/or SEPA Flood Map check)

Building warrant

Has this issue been addressed during the planning application process? If not, consultation with the flood officer is recommended.

Building warrant

Are all relevant documents available? E.g.:

  • Flood risk assessment
  • Site report
  • Design review (new build)
  • Specified materials/building elements
  • Existing Property Flood Resilience (PFR; if applicable)
  • Proposed PFR solution (if applicable) and evidence of it following the Code of Practice as defined in CIRIA C790? (See accompanying table)

And been accepted by the relevant officer (e.g. flood officer; structural engineer)?

Building warrant

If flood mitigation measures have been used do they meet the BSI standards: BS 8000-0:2014, BS 8533:2017 and BS 85500:2015?


Does the location of the development and finished floor level comply with the approved plans?


If Property Flood Resilience (PFR) has been used is there evidence of it following the Code of Practice as defined in CIRIA C790? (See accompanying table)

Submission of Completion Certificate by relevant person

Is evidence of the following available?

All flood risk:

  • Does the location of the development and finished floor level comply with the approved plans?

For PFR; required information:

  • On-site checks/inspections to verify specified PFR solutions have been achieved (Construction Compliance and Notification Plan, CCNP).
  • Evidence of in-situ and wet testing.

For PFR; optional information:

  • Receive post installation audit (PiA) if available.
  • Receive Homeowner Flood Plan (or O&M manuals) if available.
Table 4-2 CIRIA C790 Alignment with Building Standards Summary

CIRIA C790 Standard

Building Standards process

Relevant Reference

Stage 1 Hazard Assessment

Building Warrant:

Flooding type(s), depth, speed, duration and frequency.

Property survey (existing) and design review (new build); specified materials/building elements, and proposed PFR solution.

C790B: Chapter 12

Stage 2 Property Survey (existing buildings)

C790B: Chapter 13

Draft BS85500 Clause 4.4

Stage 3 Options development and design

C790B: Chapters 14, 23, 25

Stage 4 Construction

Completion Certificate:

On-site checks/inspections to verify specified PFR solutions have been achieved (CCNP*). Evidence of in-situ and wet


Receive post installation audit (PiA).

Receive Homeowner Flood Plan (or O&M manuals).

C790B: Chapter 15

Stage 5 Commissioning and handover

C790B: Chapter 16

Stage 6 Operation and maintenance

C790B: Chapters 17 & 24

*Construction Compliance and Notification Plan (CCNP)



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