Building standard 3.3 - flooding and groundwater guidance review: research

Research to inform the review of guidance which supports Standard 3.3, including identifying current good practice on flooding and groundwater and suggesting improvements and adoption of a good practice guide for local authorities.

Appendix A Online survey

1.1 Request for help

On behalf of the Scottish Government, JBA Consulting is gathering information on current interactions and knowledge sharing practices across relevant local authority departments, including Building Standards, Planning, and Flooding/Environmental, related to property flood risk assessment and mitigation across the planning and building warrant application processes. The guidance in section 3.3 'Flooding and groundwater' of the Building Standards Technical Handbook is currently being reviewed and the information gathered in this study will be used to help develop a good practice guide in support of the update to section 3.3.

We would be very grateful if relevant representatives from your organisation could complete separate copies of this questionnaire by 31 January 2024. For Local Authorities we suggest staff in the Building Standards, Planning and Flooding/Environmental departments.

We expect that the questionnaire should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

1.2 Background

The main aims of the work are:

  • To identify and develop good practice that can be used by verifiers when assessing building warrant applications against building standard 3.3 flooding and groundwater, including improving the cohesion of flood risk assessment and mitigation across the planning and building warrant application processes.
  • To identify the current guidance and practices used by the flood industry when designing dwellings and buildings to mitigate flood risk by incorporating flood resistance and recoverability techniques and products into building design.

2. Part one: Planning and Flooding

2.1 Contact information (please state)



Phone number contact:

Email contact:

Organisation name and location:

Length of time in role:

2.2 How often are you made aware of flood risk via the planning process?

(1 - almost never, 5 - almost always)

1 2 3 4 5

2.3 In your role, how aware are you of planning conditions relating to flooding? (E.g. planning conditions could relate to the finished floor level, or flood resilient construction).

(1 - almost never, 5 - almost always)

1 2 3 4 5

2.4 How are you made aware of flooding matters raised in the planning process?

  • Consulted at planning application.
  • Supplied the decision notice.
  • Informed by other member of staff (e.g. planning officer).
  • Formal internal process.
  • Generally not made aware.
  • Other (please state).

2.5 Separately from the planning process, how often is flood risk identified as a new issue at building warrant stage?

(1 - almost never, 5 - almost always)

1 2 3 4 5

2.6 Is there anything further on planning and flooding that you would like to share?

Please state.

3. Part two: Checking compliance

3.1 In your role, how often do you then check compliance on matters relating to flooding and groundwater? (E.g. as part of an inspection).

(1 - almost never, 5 - almost always)

1 2 3 4 5

3.2 Which of the following possible matters relating to flooding do you usually check compliance for? Please check all that apply.

• Development location (e.g. above a certain ground level or outside of a defined flood area).

  • Finished floor level.
  • Foundations.
  • Drainage.
  • Use of flood resilient construction.
  • Gas safe requirements

• Use of temporary flood resistance measures (e.g. door barriers and air brick covers to deploy just before a flood and taken down after the flood).

• Use of a flood emergency plan.

• Other (please state).

3.3 In your role, how often do you check compliance on matters relating to flooding specifically for conversions, extensions or basements? (E.g. as part of an inspection).

(1 - almost never, 5 - almost always)

1 2 3 4 5

3.4 Is the same approach (as specified above) applied to conversions, extensions and basements as for other new development?


3.4.1 If "no", please briefly describe the differences.

3.5 Is the same approach (as specified in 2.7) applied to domestic and non-domestic?


3.5.1 If "no", please briefly describe the differences.

3.6 How often is Property Flood Resilience (PFR) part of an inspection when checking compliance for matters relating to flooding?

(1 - almost never, 5 - almost always)

1 2 3 4 5

*Property Flood Resilience (PFR) are measures which can be taken on a property level to significantly reduce the impact of flooding to a property. Property Flood Resilience measures are often broken down into 'resilience' and 'resistance'.

Resistance measures aim to keep floodwater outside the property. This includes measures such as door guards, airbrick covers, non-return valves and sump/pumps.

Resilience measures limit the damage caused as a result of water entering a property. This includes measures such as waterproof plaster, raised electric sockets and solid concrete floors. These measures aim to reduce flood damage and shorten the recovery period after a flood.

3.7 Which of the following guidance documents do you use when checking compliance for matters relating to flooding? Please check all that apply.

  • Building Standards Technical Handbook (e.g. section 3.3. "Flooding and Groundwater").
  • British Standards Institution Publication 8533 "Assessing and managing flood risk in development - Code of Practice".
  • British Standards Institution Publication 85500 "Flood resistant and resilient construction - guide to improving the flood performance of buildings".
  • CIRIA C790 "Code of practice for property flood resilience".
  • National Planning Framework (NPF) 4.
  • Local Development Plan.
  • Other local guidance.

3.8 Which of these documents (listed in 2.17) do you consider most applicable to your role?

3.9 If "Other local guidance" was selected in the list above, can this guidance be shared with the research team?


3.9.1 If "yes", please attach any relevant documents when returning this questionnaire.

Please email to:

3.10 Please briefly describe your organisation's approach to building warrant verification where flood risk has been identified (main steps, who is involved and consulted, what are the decision-making processes and tools etc.).

Please state.

3.11 How effective is the current process in checking compliance matters relating to flooding?

(1 - not at all effective, 5 - very effective)

1 2 3 4 5

3.12 Is there anything further on compliance that you would like to share?

Please state.

4. Part three: Working together

4.1 In your experience, how often do Building Standards officers and Flood Protection Officers (or equivalent) work together in checking compliance on matters relating to flooding?

(1 - almost never, 5 - almost always)

1 2 3 4 5

4.1.1 What type of issues are typically discussed?

4.1.2 Which other types of officers do you typically consult with?

4.2 In your experience, how often do Building Standards officers and Planning Officers (or equivalent) work together in checking compliance on matters relating to flooding?

(1 - almost never, 5 - almost always)

1 2 3 4 5

4.2.1 What type of issues are typically discussed?

4.3 Is there anything further on working together that you would like to share?

Please state.

5. Part four: knowledge and training

5.1 How would you rate your knowledge of Flood Risk Assessment (FRA)?

(1 - no knowledge, 5 - excellent knowledge)

1 2 3 4 5

5.2 How would you rate your knowledge on Building Standards Technical Handbook section 3.3. "Flooding and Groundwater"

(1 - no knowledge, 5 - excellent knowledge)

1 2 3 4 5

5.3 How would you rate your knowledge of NPF4 or preceding guidance in SPP as related to flood risk?

(1 - no knowledge, 5 - excellent knowledge)

1 2 3 4 5

5.4 How would you rate your knowledge of Property Flood Resilience (PFR)?

(1 - no knowledge, 5 - excellent knowledge)

1 2 3 4 5

5.5 How familiar are you with Living With Flooding: An action plan for delivering property flood resilience in Scotland (

(1 - not at all, 5 - very familiar)

1 2 3 4 5

5.6 Which of the following options would help you improve your effectiveness when checking compliance matters relating to flooding? Please check all that apply.

  • Updated national guidance.
  • Additional guidance on gap sites and basements.
  • Additional resources.
  • Training on flood risk assessment.
  • Training on property flood resilience.
  • Enhanced communication within different parts of your local authority.

5.7 What suggestions do you have that could improve the effectiveness when checking compliance matters relating to flooding? Have you undertaken any training on FRAs or PFR?

  • Yes, PFR
  • Yes, FRAs
  • Both
  • None

5.7.1 Please state the name of the training and the course provider.

5.7.2 Please provide examples on how this training has improved your knowledge and application of section 3.3 of the Technical Handbook in plan assessment.

5.8 Is there anything further on knowledge and training that you would like to share?

Please state.

6. Part five: Closing

6.1 Is there anything further on any of the subjects above that you would like to share?

Please state.

6.2 Would you like a follow up conversation with one of our researchers?

Yes No

6.3 Thank you for your time taking part in this questionnaire



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