
Highland Council Children's Services - collection and use of equality data: case study

A case study looking at how Highland Council Children’s Services have implemented good practice in the collection and use of equality data.


1 Note: ‘equality data’ refers to ‘equality and socio-economic disadvantage data’ and covers the protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010 (age, religion and belief, race, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, and gender reassignment) and (any) indicators of socio-economic disadvantage.

2 It does not cover information held by NHS Highland in relation to a child’s health record.

3 Development work on both systems is undertaken at a national (rather than local) level. For example, Scottish Government-led work is currently underway to revise definitions related to additional support needs within SEEMiS. Once agreed, these revisions will be implemented by all local authorities.

4 These statistics are not broken down further by the nine protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010.

5 Note, as stated above, Highland Council’s single Care and Learning Service has now been split into two separate services.

6 Science, technology, engineering and mathematics



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