
Electricity Act 1989 - sections 36 and 37: applications guidance

This good practice guidance sets out the procedure for applications for onshore generating stations and overhead lines under sections 36 and 37 of the Electricity Act 1989, where the development concerned is development requiring environmental impact assessment.

9. Information

9.1. ECU Contact

9.1.1 A range of publically available documents for the ECU including information on using the ECU portal as well as useful links to other information are available at the following link: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Help.

9.1.2 For any specific queries not addressed on the ECU portal or in this guidance, please contact for advice.

9.2. Other Legislative Requirements

9.2.1 Other legislative regimes may apply to applications under section 36 and 37 of the Electricity Act, including the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. Further information on habitat regulations appraisal in Scotland is available at the following link: Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) | NatureScot. Proposed developments may also require licences, such as those under the Controlled Activities Regulations and wildlife legislation. The applicant should familiarise itself with any other consenting regimes that may apply to the proposed development.



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