Assessing fisheries displacement by other licensed marine activities: good practice guidance - literature review

This project developed ‘Good Practice Guidance for Assessing Fisheries Displacement’ through a detailed literature review and consultation with the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries Receptor Group (FFSRG), commercial fisheries industry, offshore energy and regulatory sectors.


1. For the purposes of this guidance, displacement is defined as occurring as a result of other licenced activity or infrastructure.

2. Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 | Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 (

3. Crown Estate Scotland

4. No-Take Zones are areas set aside by the government where no extractive activity is allowed (e.g. fishing, drilling, mining).

5. Please note that the Scottish National Marine Plan is currently under review with the potential for changes in future policies. Legislation requires the Plan to be reviewed every 3 years, the first review was undertaken in 2018, and there is currently a review ongoing (2021).

6. Please note the FLOWW Best Practice Guidance documents are currently being updated. No publication date for the updated guidance has been released at the time of writing.

7. Welcome to Marine Scotland Information | Marine Scotland Information

8. For information on the allocation of TAC and quota in the UK can be found here: UK and England quota management rules - GOV.UK (

9. Fishing Gear Database | Seafish

10. The year refers to the year of the consent application.



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