
Good Practice Guidance - Implementation of Secure Accommodation Authorisation (Scotland) Regulations 2013

Practice guidance on Implementation of Secure Acocomodation Auhorisation. A guidance note for use by chief social work officers and heads of residential units with secure accomodation.


This guidance is laid out in four sections:

  • Section 1 - Provides a brief overview of the key objectives of the new regulations and some background about the new secure accommodation decision making process.
  • Section 2 - Provides an overview of the new duties in relation to decisions to implement a secure authorisation and the duty to review the placement in secure accommodation (regulations 4, 5, 6 & 10).
  • Section 3 - Outlines the duties in relation to a decision not to implement a secure accommodation authorisation and rights to request a review of this decision (regulations 7, 8 & 9,).
  • Section 4 - Discusses the appeals process (regulations 11, 12 13, 14).

Annexes at the back of the guidance provide:

  • an outline of the process for quick reference
  • an example of a template that could be used or adapted for recording decisions
  • a list of further guidance and reading which may be helpful for decision makers


Email: Youth Justice Team, Care and Justice Division

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