
Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland: 2017-2018

Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) is a National Statistics publication. It estimates the contribution of revenue raised in Scotland toward the goods and services provided for the benefit of Scotland.

Chapter 3: Public Sector Expenditure

Total Public Sector Expenditure: Scotland 2017-18

Total Public Sector Expenditure: Scotland 2017-18


This chapter provides detailed estimates of public sector expenditure for Scotland. Expenditure is shown by type of spend, using a presentation based on the UN’s Classification of the Functions of Government ( COFOG). Further information is provided in the Glossary in Annex D. Current and capital expenditure are shown separately.

The primary data sources used to estimate Scottish public sector expenditure in GERS are Scottish Government spending reported on the UK Government’s public spending system, OSCAR, and HM Treasury’s Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses ( PESA) [17] and the supporting Country and Regional Analysis ( CRA). [18]

Spending by the Scottish Government is provided directly by the Scottish Government Directorate for Financial Management. Scottish Local Government spending in all years is taken from HM Treasury’s PESA publication. Spending by other UK government departments spending is based on PESA for 2017-18 and on the CRA for earlier years. Further information on the methodology is set out in the expenditure methodology paper available at the link below.

GERS also includes some transactions between Scotland and the EU. These can be reported in a number of different ways, and are discussed in more detail later in the chapter.

GERS expenditure figures are presented on a National Accounts basis, an international reporting standard used by governments. This requires a number of accounting adjustments to be included in total expenditure. These are primarily symmetric adjustments that also form part of revenue, and therefore have little impact on the net fiscal balance. Further information is set out in Annex A.

Public Sector Expenditure

Total public sector expenditure for Scotland in 2017-18 is estimated to be £73.4 billion, an increase of 2.9% from 2016-17, compared to growth of 2.3% for the UK as a whole. The growth in UK spending in 2017-18 is reduced by the reclassification of English housing associations into the private sector from November 2017. Excluding this change, UK spending grew by 2.5%. Scotland’s public sector expenditure in 2017-18 was equivalent to 9.3% of total UK public sector expenditure. This is shown by spending category in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Total Expenditure: Scotland 2017-18

£ million % of total expenditure
General public services
Public and common services 1,536 2.1%
International services 881 1.2%
Public sector debt interest 3,666 5.0%
Defence 3,182 4.3%
Public order and safety 2,838 3.9%
Economic affairs
Enterprise and economic development 1,285 1.8%
Science and technology 485 0.7%
Employment policies 239 0.3%
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 918 1.3%
Transport 3,842 5.2%
Environment protection 1,241 1.7%
Housing and community amenities 1,911 2.6%
Health 12,830 17.5%
Recreation, culture and religion 1,400 1.9%
Education and training 8,390 11.4%
Social protection 23,556 32.1%
EU transactions 145 0.2%
Accounting adjustments 5,052 6.9%
Total Expenditure 73,398 100%

Table 3.2 below shows growth in current and capital spend in Scotland by organization in 2017-18, compared to the UK. Spending increased faster in Scotland than the UK as a whole in 2017-18, primarily due to higher growth in local government current spending and public corporation capital expenditure. The difference in public corporation capital spend is due to the reclassification of English housing associations, which reduces the UK total in 2017-18. Excluding housing associations, UK public corporation capital expenditure grew by 8.4%.

Table 3.2: Expenditure growth: 2016-17 to 2017-18 (£ million)

Scotland Growth UK growth
2016-17 2017-18
Current expenditure 62,856 64,633 2.8% 2.2%
Scottish Government 24,082 24,500 1.7% 1.7%
Local Government 12,075 12,241 1.4% -0.5%
Public Corporations - - - -
Other UK Government bodies 26,700 27,892 4.5% 3.0%
Capital expenditure 8,498 8,764 3.1% 3.0%
Scottish Government 2,047 2,261 10.4% 10.4%
Local Government 2,215 2,208 -0.3% 4.0%
Public Corporations 1,492 1,637 9.7% -4.1%
Other UK Government bodies 2,743 2,658 -3.1% 5.2%
Total expenditure 71,354 73,398 2.9% 2.3%
Scottish Government 26,129 26,761 2.4% 2.4%
Local Government 14,290 14,449 1.1% 0.0%
Public Corporations 1,492 1,637 9.7% -4.1%
Other UK Government bodies 29,443 30,550 3.8% 3.1%


1. Public corporation line for Scotland shows spending by Scottish public corporations only. UK figure shows spending by all public corporations

2. Scottish public corporations have no current expenditure as this is netted off against their income to provide their gross operating surplus in the revenue calculations. Within the CRA, interest expenditure by public corporations is recorded as spending by HM Treasury.

3. Spend by Other UK Government departments for Scotland and the UK are not directly comparable, as spending for the UK as a whole includes spending on functions which are devolved to the Scottish Government.

Table 3.3 shows the split of total expenditure between current and capital for Scotland. The capital spending share increased in 2016-17. This reflected a number of factors, including increased local authority capital spending, increased Scottish Government capital spending in part due to the use of new capital borrowing powers, and increased spending by housing associations. It remained at this level in 2017-18.

Table 3.3: Current and Capital Expenditure (% of Total Expenditure): Scotland

per cent
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Current 89.5% 89.6% 89.7% 88.1% 88.1%
Capital 10.5% 10.4% 10.3% 11.9% 11.9%

Table 3.4 below shows estimates of Scottish and UK public sector expenditure as a share of GDP. This provides an illustration of the relative size of public spending between countries and over time. It is not an estimate of the contribution of public spending to the economy as much of this spending consists of transfers from government to individuals and businesses. Excluding North Sea GDP, public sector spending as a share of GDP has been around 47% in Scotland since 2014-15, whilst it has declined in the UK. This divergence in part reflects the higher spending growth in Scotland, but primarily reflects weaker GDP growth in Scotland. If Scottish GDP had grown in line with UK GDP since 2014-15, spending as a share of GDP excluding the North Sea would have fallen to 45.1% in 2017-18.

Including a geographical share of North Sea GDP, public spending as a share of GDP has been increasing since 2013-14 in Scotland, although it fell in 2017-18. This reflects the fall in North Sea GDP since 2013-14, and its recovery in the latest year.

Table 3.4: Total Managed Expenditure as a Share of GDP

per cent of GDP
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Scottish TME as a Share of GDP:
Excluding North Sea GDP 48.1% 46.8% 47.1% 47.1% 46.9%
Including population share of North Sea GDP 47.5% 46.3% 46.6% 46.6% 46.4%
Including geographical share of North Sea GDP 42.7% 42.8% 43.3% 43.6% 43.1%
UK TME as a share of GDP:
100% of North Sea GDP 41.2% 40.5% 39.6% 38.8% 38.4%

Table 3.5 shows total public sector expenditure per person for Scotland and the UK. Since 2013-14, spending per person in Scotland has been between 10.6% (in 2014-15) and 13.2% (in 2017-18) higher than the UK average. The gap between Scottish and UK spending per person has increased since 2014-15. In part, this will reflect the new Scottish Government capital borrowing powers which began in 2015-16. Slightly less than one percentage point of this difference is due to water and sewerage services being provided by the public sector in Scotland, and therefore included in Scottish expenditure, whilst in England and Wales they are operated by the private sector and therefore excluded from UK expenditure. Tables 3.6 and 3.7 show current, capital, and total expenditure for Scotland and the UK respectively.

Table 3.5: Total Expenditure Per Person

£ per person
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Scotland 12,708 12,821 12,914 13,190 13,530
UK 11,425 11,594 11,599 11,742 11,954
Difference (Scotland minus UK) 1,283 1,226 1,316 1,448 1,576
Difference between Scottish and UK 11.2% 10.6% 11.3% 12.3% 13.2%

Box 3.1: Social protection spending in Scotland

Social protection spending is the largest single spending line in GERS, and covers a range of different spend types.

The largest spending element within social protection is expenditure on the state pension by the Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP). This is followed by DWP’s spending on other social security such as disability and incapacity related benefits, income support, jobseekers allowance, and housing benefit. Tax credits and child benefit are part of HMRC spending, which also includes universal credit. Scottish Government social security spend includes the Scottish Welfare Fund, Council Tax Reduction Scheme, and Scottish Government expenditure on Discretionary Housing Payments, all of which are administered by Local Authorities.

Some UK social security expenditure, mostly associated with the state pension, is paid to non- UK residents. Scotland is allocated a population share of this expenditure in GERS.

Social protection spending for Scotland (£ million)
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Social security spending in Scotland
State pension 7,051 7,324 7,560 7,744 7,922
Housing benefit 1,770 1,776 1,772 1,733 1,671
Other DWP social security 5,624 5,693 5,795 5,835 6,010
HMRC child benefit and tax credits and universal credit 2,960 2,913 2,867 2,755 2,872
Scottish Government social security 436 431 410 401 392
Social security spending in Scotland 17,842 18,138 18,405 18,468 18,867
Share of benefit spending outside UK and corporate spend 456 558 604 614 643
Other social protection
Net public sector pensions 875 1009 979 885 928
Social care for the elderly 2,263 2,296 2,292 2,268 2,375
Other 900 917 1,046 882 742
Total social protection 22,336 22,917 23,325 23,117 23,556

Other social protection spending consists primarily of Local Authority expenditure on social care to families and children.

A more detailed breakdown of social security spending is published by DWP, available at the link below.

Spending by different parts of the Public Sector

Table 3.8 below provides a breakdown of Scottish expenditure by the Scottish Government, Scottish local government and public corporations, and other UK government bodies.

Table 3.6: Total Expenditure: Scotland 2013-14 to 2017-18

£ million
Current Capital Total
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
General public services
Public and common services 1,251 1,277 1,302 1,254 1,202 234 228 249 241 335 1,485 1,505 1,551 1,495 1,536
International services 762 692 698 737 778 52 177 164 158 102 814 869 862 894 881
Public sector debt interest 3,333 3,098 3,136 3,305 3,666 0 0 0 0 3,333 3,098 3,136 3,305 3,666
Defence 2,290 2,271 2,294 2,296 2,338 734 766 729 762 844 3,024 3,037 3,023 3,057 3,182
Public order and safety 2,409 2,707 2,746 2,655 2,716 137 120 72 75 122 2,545 2,827 2,818 2,729 2,838
Economic affairs
Enterprise and economic development 877 834 901 860 920 193 187 140 338 365 1,070 1,021 1,041 1,198 1,285
Science and technology 26 50 102 76 88 369 370 390 356 397 395 420 492 432 485
Employment policies 321 253 215 213 231 6 3 2 5 9 327 256 217 218 239
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 790 733 689 813 804 167 196 134 124 114 957 928 823 938 918
Transport 1,568 1,340 1,651 1,647 1,678 1,342 1,454 1,467 1,705 2,164 2,910 2,794 3,118 3,352 3,842
Environment protection 917 941 934 874 901 366 308 312 330 340 1,283 1,248 1,246 1,204 1,241
Housing and community amenities 137 143 174 132 131 1,408 1,424 1,407 1,471 1,780 1,544 1,567 1,581 1,603 1,911
Health 10,868 11,144 11,586 12,040 12,331 637 489 569 626 499 11,504 11,633 12,155 12,665 12,830
Recreation, culture and religion 1,210 1,368 1,125 1,079 1,126 249 190 237 326 274 1,459 1,558 1,362 1,405 1,400
Education and training 6,923 6,980 7,108 7,299 7,510 636 634 732 972 880 7,558 7,614 7,840 8,271 8,390
Social protection 22,308 22,883 23,257 23,046 23,512 28 34 68 71 44 22,336 22,917 23,325 23,117 23,556
EU Transactions 219 290 315 8 145 0 0 0 0 0 219 290 315 8 145
Accounting adjustments 4,428 4,520 4,105 4,522 4,558 572 538 481 939 494 5,000 5,058 4,586 5,461 5,052
Total 60,637 61,524 62,340 62,856 64,633 7,130 7,117 7,152 8,498 8,764 67,767 68,640 69,492 71,354 73,398

Table 3.7: Total Expenditure: UK 2013-14 to 2017-18

£ million
Current Capital Total
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
General public services
Public and common services 9,372 9,703 9,851 9,709 10,105 1,809 1,752 1,358 2,755 3,011 11,181 11,455 11,208 12,464 13,115
International services 9,174 8,362 8,457 8,947 9,453 621 2,133 1,984 1,918 1,245 9,795 10,495 10,441 10,865 10,698
Public sector debt interest 40,108 37,418 38,006 40,153 44,528 0 0 0 0 40,108 37,418 38,006 40,153 44,528
Defence 27,572 27,448 27,796 27,890 28,401 8,834 9,249 8,832 9,250 10,252 36,406 36,697 36,627 37,140 38,653
Public order and safety 28,345 29,235 28,928 28,945 29,531 1,258 1,252 1,279 1,116 2,033 29,603 30,487 30,207 30,061 31,564
Economic affairs
Enterprise and economic development 5,544 5,409 6,428 6,297 6,826 1,178 862 679 1,700 1,607 6,722 6,271 7,107 7,997 8,433
Science and technology 363 496 875 978 1,126 3,831 3,976 3,944 3,510 3,920 4,194 4,472 4,819 4,488 5,047
Employment policies 3,718 2,806 2,363 2,340 2,509 77 32 22 60 105 3,796 2,837 2,385 2,399 2,613
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 4,966 4,692 4,090 4,769 4,770 413 520 399 444 487 5,378 5,213 4,489 5,213 5,258
Transport 7,666 6,618 9,765 9,868 10,728 13,129 15,172 17,924 18,501 20,459 20,794 21,790 27,689 28,368 31,187
Environment protection 7,637 7,839 7,938 7,264 7,390 3,572 3,750 3,672 3,779 4,049 11,209 11,589 11,609 11,043 11,439
Housing and community amenities 3,137 3,062 2,986 2,943 3,013 6,719 7,215 6,844 7,352 9,065 9,856 10,277 9,830 10,295 12,078
Health 121,968 127,651 132,663 136,978 139,620 7,421 6,402 5,836 5,611 6,192 129,389 134,053 138,499 142,589 145,812
Recreation, culture and religion 9,753 10,427 9,327 9,381 9,399 1,854 2,022 2,040 2,225 2,391 11,607 12,449 11,367 11,606 11,791
Education and training 75,859 75,604 75,595 77,319 78,167 8,821 9,450 9,319 7,587 9,648 84,680 85,055 84,914 84,905 87,815
Social protection 254,228 261,150 264,506 264,890 267,748 -283 -112 315 451 492 253,945 261,038 264,821 265,341 268,240
EU transactions 7,210 6,225 7,671 4,722 5,364 0 0 0 0 0 7,210 6,225 7,671 4,722 5,364
Accounting adjustments 48,539 50,669 45,370 49,335 49,114 9,401 11,955 9,708 12,995 6,712 57,940 62,624 55,078 62,330 55,826
Total 665,159 674,817 682,615 692,727 707,792 68,654 75,628 74,152 79,254 81,668 733,813 750,445 756,767 771,981 789,460

Table 3.8: Total Expenditure: Scottish Government, Local Authorities, Public Corporations, and Other UK Government: Scotland 2013-14 to 2017-18

£ million
Scottish Government, LAs and Public Corporations Other UK Government Total
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
General public services
Public and common services 1,021 1,014 1,048 1,002 1,016 464 491 503 493 520 1,485 1,505 1,551 1,495 1,536
International services 0 0 0 0 1 814 869 862 894 880 814 869 862 894 881
Public sector debt interest 0 0 0 0 0 3,333 3,098 3,136 3,305 3,666 3,333 3,098 3,136 3,305 3,666
Defence 3 3 4 4 3 3,021 3,034 3,019 3,053 3,179 3,024 3,037 3,023 3,057 3,182
Public order and safety 2,307 2,567 2,592 2,515 2,618 238 260 226 214 220 2,545 2,827 2,818 2,729 2,838
Economic affairs
Enterprise and econ development 782 743 632 831 855 288 278 409 367 430 1,070 1,021 1,041 1,198 1,285
Science and technology 5 5 2 3 3 391 416 490 429 483 395 420 492 432 485
Employment policies 0 0 0 0 0 327 256 217 218 239 327 256 217 218 239
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 948 918 815 927 908 9 11 8 11 11 957 928 823 938 918
Transport 2,750 2,623 2,318 2,351 2,554 161 170 801 1,001 1,288 2,910 2,794 3,118 3,352 3,842
Environment protection 1,012 950 949 938 958 270 299 297 266 283 1,283 1,248 1,246 1,204 1,241
Housing and community amenities 1,529 1,548 1,567 1,583 1,893 15 20 14 20 18 1,544 1,567 1,581 1,603 1,911
Health 11,354 11,483 12,002 12,508 12,677 151 149 152 158 153 11,504 11,633 12,155 12,665 12,830
Recreation, culture and religion 1,066 1,142 999 974 949 393 416 363 431 451 1,459 1,558 1,362 1,405 1,400
Education and training 7,541 7,587 7,814 8,247 8,371 17 27 26 24 19 7,558 7,614 7,840 8,271 8,390
Social protection 5,484 5,662 5,734 5,420 5,357 16,853 17,255 17,591 17,697 18,199 22,336 22,917 23,325 23,117 23,556
EU transactions 0 0 0 0 0 219 290 315 8 145 219 290 315 8 145
Accounting adjustments 4,277 4,450 4,150 4,610 4,686 723 608 436 851 366 5,000 5,058 4,586 5,461 5,052
Total 40,079 40,695 40,627 41,911 42,848 27,688 27,946 28,865 29,443 30,550 67,767 68,640 69,492 71,354 73,398

Scotland’s Notional Contributions to the European Union Budget

As a member of the European Union ( EU) the UK contributes to the EU budget and receives funding from the EU via a number of programmes.

Scotland does not contribute directly to the EU budget. In GERS, Scotland is assigned a share of the UK contribution. In contrast, Scotland receives funding directly from the EU, through the Common Agricultural Policy, European Structural Funds, and European Regional Development Funding. Actual amounts are used for these items.

The EU Transactions lines in the tables above are produced on a National Accounts basis, and exclude traditional own resource payments. These are payments collected by the UK on behalf of the EU, and therefore are excluded from the UK Public Sector Finances. However, they are normally included when reporting on the UK’s net contribution to EU budgets. The tables in this box show net payments to the EU including these contributions.

Although contributions to the EU are made by the public sector, funding from the EU is received by both public and non-public sector bodies. Both the EU Transactions line in the above tables and the figures below report only on transactions with the EU by the public sector. EU payments to Higher Education Institutions, which are not part of the public sector, are discussed further below.

Funding the EU Budget

There are three key sources of funding for the EU, which come from each member state: [19]

  • Traditional own resource ( TOR ) - Agriculture duties and customs duties levied on agriculture and non-agriculture products from outside the EU
  • VAT based own resource – Calculated as a percentage of countries’ VAT tax base.
  • Gross National Income ( GNI) based own resource – Calculated as a percentage of countries’ GNI. This is the EU’s single largest source of revenue.

Since 1985, the UK has received a rebate on its contribution, broadly equal to 66% of its net contribution (in the previous year). Scotland is apportioned a population share of the rebate.

Net Contribution to the EU

Two measures are generally used to illustrate the UK’s net contribution to the EU:

  • The primary measure is the UK’s net contribution to the EU budget – this is calculated as the difference between the UK’s gross contribution to the EU budget (less the rebate) and public sector EU receipts.
  • A secondary measure is the UK’s net payment to EU institutions – this is equal to the UK’s net contribution to the EU Budget less its share of the EU’s external assistance aid budget.

The table below sets out these transactions for Scotland and the UK. The Scottish presentation in this edition of GERS has been simplified to present a single figure based on estimates of Scotland’s Gross National Income. [20] Further information is provided in the expenditure methodology note.

Table 3.9: Transactions with the institutions of the EU, 2013-14 to 2017-18 (£ million)

Scotland UK
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
GNI based contribution 1,187 1,164 1,039 927 945 13,845 14,154 12,570 11,440 11,761
UK abatement -343 -398 -336 -392 -374 -4,130 -4,811 -4,068 -4,757 -4,547
VAT-based contribution to the EU 180 192 227 204 244 2,163 2,316 2,751 2,477 2,974
Expenditure transfers to the EU 1,024 957 930 739 816 11,879 11,658 11,253 9,160 10,188
Receipts to cover collection costs of TOR -61 -61 -64 -29 -57 -733 -743 -771 -357 -698
TOR 244 249 254 277 280 2,933 3,006 3,085 3,366 3,413
Gross contribution to the EU budget 1,207 1,144 1,121 987 1,039 14,079 13,921 13,567 12,169 12,903
Public sector EU receipts -737 -606 -551 -702 -613 -3,856 -4,690 -2,811 -4,081 -4,126
Net contributions to the EU budget 470 538 570 285 426 10,223 9,231 10,756 8,088 8,777
less other attributed costs 1 -7 - - - - 79 - - - -
Net payments to EU institutions 463 538 570 285 426 10,143 9,231 10,756 8,088 8,777
EU transactions (net payments to EU institutions less TOR) 219 290 315 8 145 7,210 6,225 7,671 4,722 5,364

1 UK contribution to EU aid to non- EU states.

Box 3.2: EU Payments to Higher Education Institutions

The figures above covered the transactions that the Scottish and UK public sector have with the EU. However, the EU also makes payments to bodies outside the public sector, such as Higher Education Institutions ( HEIs), which are considered private sector not-for-profit institutions. The Higher Education Statistics Agency ( HESA) produces statistics on these payments. These payments are not included in the tables shown above as they are not transactions with the public sector and are therefore out of the scope of public sector finances.

Payments to HEIs from the EU include:

  • Payments from EU government bodies
  • Payments from EU-based charities through an open competitive process
  • Payments from EU industry, commerce and public corporations
  • Payments from other EU bodies

To illustrate the size of these payments, the table below shows research grants and contracts income from the EU to HEIs for Scotland and the UK for academic years 2012-13 to 2016-17, which is the latest year for which figures are available. This spending is outside the public sector, and therefore has no impact on the figures reported in GERS.

EU Payments to Higher Education Institutions, Academic Year 2012-13 to 2016-17
£ million
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Scotland 81 89 94 97 105
UK 690 789 836 841 877

Note: The academic year runs from 1 August to 31 July

Box 3.3: Private Finance Initiative and Non-Profit Distributing Financing support for Public Private Partnerships ( PPPs)

This box gives an introduction to Public Private Partnerships ( PPPs) and the funding models that have been used in Scotland. It also breaks down unitary charge payments by scheme type, by type of procuring authority and by the sector of the project. This analysis uses sources of publicly available data, all brought together into an accompanying spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is available from the GERS website:

Introduction to PFI, PPPs, and NPD

Public Private Partnerships ( PPPs) are long-term contracts for services that include the provision of associated facilities or properties. Under the contract, the private sector is generally responsible for various roles, including designing and constructing a building or facility, and maintaining and servicing it throughout the contract term. The public sector retains accountability for the main public services. The private sector is responsible for financing the project up front and only receives payment from the public sector once construction has been completed and the services have commenced.

The Private Finance Initiative ( PFI) used to be the UK’s preferred form of PPP. In Scotland, the Non-Profit Distributing ( NPD) model has been the Scottish Government’s preferred procurement option since 2007. For more information on these schemes, and the data sources used in this box, please see the Scottish Government website:

Unitary Charge Payments

Payments for both PFI and NPD projects take the form of a unitary charge which is usually paid annually over the lifetime of the contract. It is worth emphasising that these payments are already fully reflected in the GERS spending figures. In addition, the table below includes Ministry of Defence projects in Scotland which are procured by and entirely funded by the Ministry of Defence. Scotland is assigned a population share of this expenditure in GERS. Unitary charge payments cover repayment of capital, interest payments, and in some cases service charge payments. Figures are shown here for the years 2013-14 to 2017-18 to be consistent with other tables in this report. The underlying spreadsheets on the GERS website have data covering the period back to 1998-99 as well as estimated payments into the 2040s. Additional information about the individual procuring authority (e.g. individual local authority and health board information) and comparisons with the UK are also provided.

Scotland: Unitary charge payments, 2013-14 to 2017-18
£ million
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
By scheme type
Private Finance Initiative 944 979 995 998 1,024
Non-Profit Distributing models 1 55 59 72 107 224
Total Unitary Charge payments 999 1,038 1,067 1,105 1,248
By procuring authority
Further Education 2 2 9 27 35
Local Government 488 497 507 514 547
NHS 235 242 247 258 296
Other Scottish Government 109 127 136 133 191
Ministry of Defence 22 24 21 25 26
Scottish Water 143 146 146 148 154
Total Unitary Charge payments 999 1,038 1,067 1,105 1,248
By sector of project
Energy 4 5 5 5 5
Further Education 2 2 9 27 35
Health 235 242 247 258 296
IT - - - - -
Ministry of Defence 22 24 21 25 26
Offices 3 3 3 3 3
Police 4 4 4 4 5
Prisons 46 49 49 47 47
Schools 446 454 462 468 502
Transport 78 93 104 102 159
Waste 158 162 163 165 171
Total Unitary Charge payments 999 1,038 1,067 1,105 1,248
UK Total Unitary Charge Payments 9,853 10,274 10,526 10,397 10,590
Scotland as % UK 10.1% 10.1% 10.1% 10.6% 11.8%

1 Non-profit distributing models includes projects delivered by the hub model and projects commissioned prior to 2010. Further detail is available at:

Source: HM Treasury and Scottish Government figures. See the accompanying spreadsheet for full details of all sources



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